
“Exit Strategies of a Great Squirrel Army” by Michael Welch

Second Place
“Professionals” by Danny Lang-Perez


“A Pigboy and His Artificial Jesus” by Patrick Zhou

“A Strong Hand” by Patricia McCrystal

“Big Party after the Last Animal” by Jesse Nee-Vogelman

“Lanier” by Gillon Crichton

“Like Blue Eyes” by Blake Hammond

“Obliteration” by Alexandra Salata

“One Road to the Sea” by Chris Seaborne

“Summerland” by Taylor Mahone

Salamander 2024 Fiction Prize

First Prize: $1,000 and Publication
Second Prize: $500 and Publication

$15 Reading Fee: Includes One-Year Subscription

Final Judge: Kevin Wilson


•  All entries will be considered for publication. All entries will be considered anonymously.

•  Send no more than one story per entry. Each story must not exceed 30 double-spaced pages in 12 point font. Multiple entries are acceptable, provided that a separate reading fee is included with each entry.

•  Please submit a separate cover sheet with each entry, containing the title of the story and your name, address, phone number, and email. Your name or any other identifying characteristics should not appear anywhere on the story itself.

•  Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but the contest fee is non-refundable if the submission is withdrawn. Please notify the editors as soon as possible if a submitted story is accepted elsewhere.

•  Previously published works and works accepted for publication elsewhere cannot be considered. Salamander’s definition of publishing includes electronic publication.

•  Salamander will not consider work from anyone currently or recently (within the past 4 years) affiliated with Suffolk University or the prize judge.

Contest results will be posted on by September 1.

•  Contest reading fee includes a one-year subscription. We will send your subscription to the address given unless instructed otherwise. If more than one subscription is purchased, additional subscriptions may be gifted to another reader. International addresses will receive a one-year online subscription; those who prefer a print subscription, please add $10 for subscription postage.

WE ARE ONLY ABLE TO ACCEPT ONLINE SUBMISSIONS IN 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.


Kevin Wilson is the author of two story collections, including Tunneling to the Center of the Earth, winner of a Shirley Jackson Award, and four novels, most recently the New York Times Bestselling Nothing to See Here and Now is Not the Time to Panic. His stories have appeared in Southern Review, Ploughshares, One Story, and two editions of Best American Short Stories. He teaches at the University of the South and lives in Sewanee, TN, with his wife, the poet Leigh Anne Couch, and his two sons.