Painting the Eliot Church

  South Natick, Massachusetts   Before they could scrape, prime, caulk, patch the divots and deep cracks and repair the ubiquitous rot, three men in t-shirts and torn jeans covered…

from The Way to Jade Mountain

  After Li Bai, For Shujen Wang   5. A Song   When she glides around the garden her light dress lifts like a cloud and her face, because the…

A Hunting Trip

  JP is dreaming and Carlos is in the dream. They’re back in the desert, walking toward a road. In the last two weeks, three Humvees have been blown up…

A Cardinal, Hurling Himself at My Window

  I’m told he sees his own reflection in the glass as a competitor, a bird he must face down— I’m not so sure. This morning, there’s the sound again—despite…

when as a grown up, instead of

  let’s go to my house you say, let’s go to Mom’s house, the floorboards will creak in places you don’t remember—guaranteed. And you will smell fruit where there was…


  In this habit of rotting the root fails to make do.   Wide blueblack straits spied from the shore recall this darling aporia of mine.   I’m to be…

“Heavier than age”

  Heavier than age Morning has us By the throat. Why do you birds rise so early? Birds have tiny tongues A bird is a bell. Dark people in white…

A Little Picture

  Fishermen went out to sea Fisherwomen ran after them A boy is standing in the doorway With a toy ship His eyes have dried up Deep inside them The…


  After a couple of glasses of wine they founded Mundelein in Illinois. The stars were blurry but the roads were alright, and people came anyway from all over to…


  Men with beards of dirt and fire went around the woods, swinging hammers to symbolize dominion. The marks by which they made themselves known upon the trees were all…


  The dumb thing I said keeps coming back to dismantle my house, poor dredged brain with its banging doors and hinges halved to sheer the sky. Swallows traffic the…