Past Issue

Issue 15.1

Cover art

“East Bay Light #1”
by Marilyn Levin

Marilyn Levin has shown work nationwide, including at the San Francisco Museum of Art and the Rose Art Museum. She has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Massachusetts Cultural Council and teaches in the Boston Museum School/Tufts University joint degree program. She is represented by Toomey-Tourell, San Francisco.

Bert Stern Testament
Elisabeth Eybers, trans. by J. Pope View of the Quay
Joshua Rivkin Tashlikh
Varsha Kukafka Offspring
Elizabeth Murphy Little Prayer
Sarah Chace Josie
Elyse Fenton Grasshopper
Judi Goldberg Waves
Sara London Fine Wife
Dian Duchin Reed Prayer Lessons
Lucy Tobin Dear Unbearable
Ailbhe Darcy Poles
Zach Vesper Civil War Re-enactment
Eamonn Wall Bilingual Day Tripper
A Winter Caller
Enrique Lihn The Old Age of Narcissus
Kathryn Kirkpatrick Coming Back
Jaime Brunton Direction
A loon calls out, another answers.
Dean Rader The First Poem
Jeanne Larsen The Worlds Whole Sap is Sunk Wrote Christian Jack & I
Simeon Berry <em>from</em> Monograph
Emily Scudder Like a Stick
Sumita Chakraborty Vicomtesse Othenin d'Haussonville
Gwendolyn Jensen Sex Is Easy But Never Simple
Carrie Meadows Manatee
Faisal Siddiqui Reading Urdu Poetry
Yazid to Water
Moira Linehan In the Space Between
Andrea Cohen Rolling and Walking
Home is Where
Self Diagnosis and Treatment
Emily Newburger A Picky Eater in Paris
Grey Held Kunst Palast Museum
Laurie Rosenblatt The Class of Things that Are Not Teacups
Judy Katz-Levine Twilight Song
Moon Song
Nancy Hechinger Scattered
Carrie Shipers Carter Cemetery, 2007
Paul B. Roth A Prospective
Ann Keniston Process
Kevin Higgins Together in the Future Tense
Sarah Grieve Lucky Horse Shoe
Helen Wickes Another Return
George Kalogeris Emma
Susan Nisenbaum Becker Last Work
Charles Haverty One Black Shoe
Susan Monsky <em>from </em>The David and Thelma Big Production Starring Tootie Bug &amp; Featuring Mister Jim
Joseph Gross Coinmaster
Jay Ponteri Listen to this
Valerie Duff-Strautmann The View from Here: <em>The Looking House </em>by Fred Marchant
Catherine Parnell The Island: <em>Once the Shore </em>by Paul Yoon
Elizabeth Murphy Holding: <em>Steerag</em>e by Bert Stern

WINTER 2009/2010

Issue 15.2
Issue 14.2