Issue 52 Contributors

Cover: “Begin Again” by Shannon Miguela Dillon
Sean Cho A.
Sean Cho A. is the author of American Home (Autumn House, 2021) winner of the Autumn House Press chapbook contest. His work can be found or ignored in Copper Nickel, Pleiades, The Penn Review, The Massachusetts Review, and Nashville Review, among others.
Li Bai
Li Bai (701–762 AD), or “Li Po,” known as the Exiled Immortal, is the most celebrated and beloved poet in Chinese history. His poetic genius stunned his contemporaries and continues to amaze new readers twelve hundred years later.
Erin Bealmear
Erin Bealmear’s poetry has been published in Rattle, The New York Quarterly, Rhino, The Moth, and Spillway, among others. She was also awarded a South Carolina Review poetry award and was a finalist for the New Issues Poetry Prize.
Anemone Beaulier
Anemone Beaulier’s poetry has appeared in Cave Wall, Crab Orchard Review, Cream City Review, Cumberland River Review, Main Street Rag, Prairie Schooner, Poet Lore, Poetry Daily, Rattle: Poets Respond, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. She grew up near Marquette, MI, and now lives in Fargo, ND, with her husband and children.
Bridget Bell
Bridget Bell teaches English at Durham Technical Community College. She also proofreads manuscripts for Four Way Books. She lives in North Carolina with her two children, husband, and dog, Parsley.
Anna Bernstein
Anna Bernstein is a writer and historical research assistant from Brooklyn. Her work has been published in Reed Magazine, Dunes Review, Lascaux Review, and Cream City Review. When she is not busy typing the word “review,” she likes to read about animal behavior.
Natalka Bilotserkivets
Natalka Bilotserkivets was a hallmark of Ukraine’s literary life during the 1980s and 90s. She has published five volumes of poetry. She lives and works in Kyiv.
Anney Bolgiano
Anney Bolgiano lives in Washington, DC, and teaches at Howard University. She holds an MFA from George Mason University and a BA from Guilford College. Her work has appeared in Nashville Review, A Velvet Giant, Frances House, Bending Genres, and elsewhere. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and a past resident of Art Farm Nebraska.
Allison Bulger
Allison Bulger is a writer based in Texas. She received her MFA from NYU and is the author of an as-yet-unpublished science-fantasy trilogy. She has been nominated for a Pushcart.
Stephanie Burt
Stephanie Burt is Professor of English at Harvard. Her most recent books include After Callimachus (2020) and Don't Read Poetry: A Book About How to Read Poems (2019). A chapbook of poems about superheroes and other queer pop cultural phenomena will be out from Rain Taxi Editions by the time you read this issue; a full-length book of new poems will appear from Graywolf in 2022.
Nicole Callihan
Nicole Callihan’s books include SuperLoop (2014), and the chapbooks: The Deeply Flawed Human (2016), Downtown (2017), The Couples (a novella, 2019), and ELSEWHERE (w/ Zoë Ryder White, 2020).
Cortney Lamar Charleston
Cortney Lamar Charleston is a Pushcart Prize winner and the author of Telepathologies (Saturnalia Books, 2017) and Doppelgangbanger (Haymarket Books, 2021). He was awarded a 2017 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation and he has also received fellowships from Cave Canem and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Charleston serves as a poetry editor at The Rumpus and on the editorial board at Alice James Books.
Leila Chatti
Leila Chatti is a Tunisian-American poet and author of Deluge (Copper Canyon Press, 2020), longlisted for the 2021 PEN Open Book Award. Her honors include a Pushcart Prize and fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, Cleveland State University, and the NEA. She is the Mendota Lecturer in Poetry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Joshua Coben
Joshua Coben’s second collection, Night Chaser (David Robert Books, 2020), was a finalist for the Vassar Miller Prize, the New American Poetry Prize, and the Donald Justice Poetry Prize. His first book, Maker of Shadows (Texas Review Press, 2010), won the X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize.
Jane Craven
Jane Craven was born and raised in North Carolina. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from North Carolina State University. Her collection, My Bright Last Country, won the Vern Rutsala Poetry Prize and was published by Cloudbank Books in 2020.
JD Debris
JD Debris writes poems, songs, and prose. In 2020, he completed his MFA from NYU as a Goldwater Fellow, his work was chosen by Ilya Kaminsky for Ploughshares’ Emerging Writers Prize, and he was named to Narrative's 30 Below 30 list. His releases include the chapbook Sparring (Salem State University Press, 2018) and the music albums Black Market Organs (Simple Truth Records, 2017) and JD Debris Murder Club (forthcoming).
Luis Alberto de Cuenca
A prolific and multifaceted writer and scholar, Luis Alberto de Cuenca possesses one of Spain’s most distinctive poetic voices. From 1996 to 2000 he was the director of Spain’s National Library. In 2015 he received the National Poetry Prize for his book Cuaderno de vacaciones. Perhaps more than any of his contemporaries, he has been a major influence on younger Spanish poets.
Emma DePanise
Emma DePanise’s poems are forthcoming or have appeared recently in journals such as River Styx, The Minnesota Review, Reed Magazine, and elsewhere. She is an MFA candidate in poetry at Purdue University, a poetry editor for Sycamore Review, and a co-editor of The Shore.
Jose Hernandez Diaz
Jose Hernandez Diaz is a 2017 NEA Poetry Fellow. He is the author of The Fire Eater (Texas Review Press, 2020). He is an editor and educator based in Los Angeles County.
Shannon Miguela Dillon
Shannon Miguela Dillon is an acrylic/oil painter and art educator based in Denver, CO. Her work, including mural work, is featured in four public places in the city. She feels that through the continuous practice of visionary art, existence becomes more meaningful and lucid.
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs is poetry editor at AGNI and Professor of English at St. Olaf College. Her most recent poetry collection is Interrogation Room (White Pine Press, 2018), mentioned in The New York Times and a recipient of the Association of Asian American Studies Book Award in Creative Writing: Poetry. She lives in Saint Paul, MN.
Charles Douthat
Charles Douthat is a poet, retired litigator, and visual artist whose book of poems, Blue for Oceans, won the PEN New England Award. His poems have been featured in Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, Writers Almanac, and The Threepenny Review. He lives in Connecticut.
Gustavo Pérez Firmat
Gustavo Pérez Firmat has published several books of poetry in Spanish and English, among them Sin lengua, deslenguado, and Bilingual Blues. His books of cultural criticism include Life on the Hyphen and Tongue Ties. He teaches at Columbia University, where he is the David Feinson Professor in the Humanities.
Kim Garcia
Kim Garcia is the author of DRONE (Backwaters Press), Tales of the Sisters (Sow’s Ear Press), Madonna Magdalene (Turning Point Books) and The Brighter House (White Pine Press). The winner of the 2019 Tupelo Broadside Prize, Garcia teaches creative writing at Boston College.
Geula Geurts
Geula Geurts is a Dutch-born poet and essayist living in Jerusalem. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Pleiades, The Penn Review, Juked, Raleigh Review, and Blood Orange Review, among others. Her chapbook lyric essay “The Beginnings of Fire” is forthcoming with CutBank Books in spring 2021. Her poetry manuscript “Tiny Bones Glowing” was the first runner-up in the 2020 Red Hen Press Benjamin Saltman Award. She is a graduate of the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Bar Ilan University, and works as a literary agent at the Deborah Harris Agency.
Sherine Gilmour
Sherine Gilmour graduated with an MFA in Poetry from New York University. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming from Entropy, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, The Indianapolis Review, Mom Egg Review, Third Coast, and other publications.
João Luís Barreto Guimarães
João Luís Barreto Guimarães lives in Porto, Portugal, and has published 11 award-winning poetry collections. The English translation of his book Mediterranean, by Calvin Olsen, won the Willow Run Poetry Book Award 2020, and will be published late 2021/early 2022 by Hidden River Press.
Romana Iorga
Originally from Chisinau, Moldova, Romana Iorga lives in Switzerland. She is the author of two poetry collections in Romanian. Her work in English has appeared or is forthcoming in various journals, including New England Review, Gulf Coast, and Redivider, as well as on her poetry blog, clayandbranches.
Alyssa Jewell
Alyssa Jewell coordinates the Poets in Print Reading Series in Kalamazoo and is a PhD student at Western Michigan University. Her work has appeared in Best New Poets 2016, Colorado Review, North American Review, and Poet Lore, among other publications.
Jennifer Schomburg Kanke
Jennifer Schomburg Kanke lives in Tallahassee, FL. Her work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, New Ohio Review, Fugue, and Pleiades. Her chapbook, Fine, Considering, is available from Rinky Dink Press. She serves on the Board of Directors at Anhinga Press.
Emily Alice Katz
Emily Alice Katz’s short fiction has appeared in Meridian, Confrontation, South Carolina Review, and storySouth, among other publications, and has been recognized by Glimmer Train. Her short story collection, The Book of Nut and Other Stories, was designated a finalist for the 2019 Eludia Award. Born and raised in Atlanta, she lives in Durham, NC, with her family.
Kate Kearns
Kate Kearns is a Maine poet with an MFA from Lesley University. She has published a chapbook, How to Love an Introvert (Finishing Line Press, 2014), and poems have appeared in Northern New England Review, Sugar House Review, Soliloquies, and elsewhere.
Ali Kinsella
A former Peace Corps volunteer, Ali Kinsella has been translating from Ukrainian for nine years. She lives in Chicago and sometimes works as a baker.
Antonio Ladeira
Antonio Ladeira was born in Portugal in 1969. He currently lives in Lubbock, TX, where he is an Associate Professor of Portuguese and Spanish at Texas Tech University. He has published five volumes of his own poetry in Portugal and two books of short stories in Portugal, Brazil, and Colombia.
Jules Lattimer
Jules Lattimer holds an MFA from UMass Boston and now lives in Marfa, TX. Their fiction and poetry can be found in print and online, most recently in Second Factory.
Ibe Liebenberg
Ibe Liebenberg is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. He is currently enrolled in the MFA Program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. He has been published in The Journal of Chickasaw History and Culture and The ThreePenny Review.
Ananda Lima
Ananda Lima is the author of Mother/land (Black Lawrence Press, 2021), and the chapbooks Translation (Paper Nautilus, 2019), Amblyopia (Bull City Press, 2020), and Tropicália (Newfound, 2021). Her work has appeared in APR,, Kenyon Review Online, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere.
Angie Macri
Angie Macri is the author of Underwater Panther (Southeast Missouri State University), winner of the Cowles Poetry Book Prize. An Arkansas Arts Council fellow, she lives in Hot Springs and teaches at Hendrix College.
Sarah Marquez
Sarah Marquez (she/her) is an MFA student at Lindenwood University. She is based in Los Angeles and has work published and forthcoming in various magazines and journals, including Human/Kind Press, Kissing Dynamite, The Hellebore, The New Southern Fugitives, and Twist in Time Magazine. When not writing, she can be found reading for Random Sample Review, sipping coffee, or tweeting.
Chloe Martinez
Chloe Martinez is a poet and scholar of South Asian religions. The author of Corner Shrine (Backbone Press, 2020) and Ten Thousand Selves (The Word Works, September 2021), her poems are published/forthcoming in Ploughshares, Shenandoah, The Common, and elsewhere.
Jake Maynard
Jake Maynard’s work appears in places like Guernica, Hobart, Catapult, The Pinch, Current Affairs, Slate, and The New York Times. He’s from rural Pennsylvania and won’t shut up about it.
John McCarthy
John McCarthy is the author of Scared Violent Like Horses (Milkweed Editions, 2019), which won the Jake Adam York Prize. His work has appeared in 32 Poems, Alaska Quarterly Review, Best New Poets 2015, Copper Nickel, Pleiades, and TriQuarterly. He received his MFA from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Magpie Miller
Magpie Miller’s poems have appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, The Southern Poetry Review, The Cream City Review, and Clade Song, among other journals. A native of east Tennessee, Miller writes about the lives of women as scientists, farmers, and makers. Currently, she divides her time between Lexington, KY, and a nascent pear orchard in east Tennessee.
Nancy Carol Moody
Nancy Carol Moody is a mixed-media artist and the author of two collections of poetry, The House of Nobody Home, and Photograph with Girls, as well as the chapbook Mermaid. She lives in Eugene, OR.
Leslie-Ann Murray
Leslie-Ann Murray is a writer, a Trinidadian, a New Yorker, and your tour guide to literary diversity. She is the founder of Brown Girl Book Lover, a newsletter and social media platform that reviews and interviews diverse writers.
Calvin Olsen
Calvin Olsen, a former Robert Pinsky Global Fellow and recent Pushcart Prize nominee, lives in North Carolina, where he is a doctoral student in Communication, Rhetoric, & Digital Media, and the poetry editor at The Carolina Quarterly.
Nicole Oquendo
Nicole Oquendo is a writer, editor, and educator. Their work can be found in numerous literary journals, a hybrid memoir, and six chapbooks. Their full-length visual poetry collection, we, animals, will be released by Beating Windward Press in 2021.
Dzvinia Orlowsky
Award-winning poet and translator Dzvinia Orlowsky is the author of six full-length poetry collections, including her most recent, Bad Harvest. Her co-translations of selected works by Natalka Bilotserkivets with Ali Kinsella, titled Eccentric Days of Hope and Sorrow, is forthcoming from Lost Horse Press in fall 2021.
Jeffrey Perkins
Jeffrey Perkins received his MFA from Bennington College and his poems have been published in Tupelo Quarterly, The Adroit Journal, Memorious, Rhino, The Cortland Review, The Massachusetts Review, and other journals. His first book of poems, Kingdom, was released in 2020 by Spork Press. He lives in Los Angeles.
Alixen Pham
Alixen Pham is an emerging poet with work published or forthcoming in New York Quarterly, Gyroscope Review, Lily Poetry Journal, DiaCRITICS, and Brooklyn Poets as the Poet of the Week. She leads the Westside Los Angeles chapter of Women Who Submit, a volunteer-run literary organization supporting and nurturing women and non-binary writers. She is the recipient of a Brooklyn Poets Fellowship, the Association of Writers and Writing Programs’ Writer-to-Writer Mentorship Program, and a PEN Center/City of West Hollywood Writing Craft Scholarship in Fiction and Nonfiction.
Daniel E. Pritchard
Daniel E. Pritchard is a writer and translator as well as the founding editor of The Critical Flame. His work has appeared in Pangyrus, Response, EuropeNow, SpoKe, Harvard Review Online, Missouri Review Online, Anomaly, Kenyon Review Online, LARB, and elsewhere. He lives in Greater Boston.
Ricky Ray
Ricky Ray is a disabled poet, critic, essayist, and the author of three books: Quiet, Grit, Glory (Broken Sleep Books, 2020), The Sound of the Earth Singing to Herself (Fly on the Wall Press, 2020) and Fealty (Diode Editions, 2019). He lives in the old green hills with his old brown dog, Addie.
Rishi Reddi
Rishi Reddi is the author of the novel Passage West, a LA Times “Best California Book of 2020,” and Karma and Other Stories, which received the 2008 PEN New England Award for Fiction. She was born in Hyderabad, India, and lives in Cambridge, MA.
Spencer Riggi
Spencer Riggi resides in Orlando, FL. A graduate of Rollins College, his work has also appeared in Rust + Moth and LEVEE Magazine.
Rochelle Robinson-Dukes
Rochelle Robinson-Dukes is an Associate English Professor at the City Colleges of Chicago. She is the editor of Brownstone Barrio Bards, a yearly journal that publishes South Side Chicago poets. She has been published in African American Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Atlanta Review, Meridian, The Carolina Quarterly, Poetry Hall Bilingual Journal, The RavensPerch, Rock & Sling, The Temz Review, and the anthology In Other Words.
Esteban Rodríguez
Esteban Rodríguez is the author of five poetry collections, most recently The Valley (Sundress Publications, 2021). His debut essay collection, Before the Earth Devours Us, will be published by Split/Lip Press in late 2021. He is the Interviews Editor for the EcoTheo Review, Associate Poetry Editor for AGNI, and a regular reviews contributor for Heavy Feather Review.
Kelly Rowe
Kelly Rowe’s chapbook, Flying South on the Back of a Dove, was published by the Texas Review Press in 2019. She lives in Flagstaff, AZ, and works as a volunteer attorney, representing undocumented women.
Will Russo
Will Russo received his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2020. He is a Poetry Editor at Great Lakes Review, and his work has appeared in journals such as Berkeley Poetry Review, Faultline, and Newtown Literary, which nominated him for the Pushcart Prize.
Natasha Sajé
Natasha Sajé is the author of three books of poems, including Vivarium; a postmodern poetry handbook, Windows and Doors: A Poet Reads Literary Theory; and a memoir-in-essays, Terroir: Love, Out of Place. She teaches at Westminster College in Salt Lake City and in the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA in Writing Program.
Beate Sigriddaughter
Beate Sigriddaughter lives in Silver City, New Mexico (Land of Enchantment), where she was Poet Laureate from 2017 to 2019. Her latest poetry collection is Emily (Unsolicited Press, 2020). In her blog Writing In A Woman’s Voice, she publishes other women’s voices.
Andy Smart
Andy Smart earned his MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the Solstice Low-Residency Program at Pine Manor College, where he was a Michael Steinberg fellow. His work has appeared in Lily Poetry Review, The American Journal of Poetry, and elsewhere. Andy was a 2019 Pushcart Prize nominee. He lives in Missouri.
William Torrey
William Torrey’s writing has appeared in Boulevard, The Southeast Review, River Teeth, The Florida Review, Colorado Review, Hobart, The North American Review, Washington Square, and many others. He is Writer-in-Residence at St. Andrew's School.
Leah Umansky
Leah Umansky is the author of two full-length collections, The Barbarous Century and Domestic Uncertainties. She earned her MFA in Poetry at Sarah Lawrence College and is the curator and host of The COUPLET Reading Series in NYC. Her poems can be found in The New York Times, POETRY, Ecotheo, The Bennington Review, The Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day, and Rhino.
Donna Vorreyer
Donna Vorreyer is the author of To Everything There Is (2020), Every Love Story is an Apocalypse Story (2016), and A House of Many Windows (2013), all from Sundress Publications, as well as eight chapbooks. Her work has appeared in Baltimore Review, Tinderbox Poetry, Poet Lore, Sugar House Review, Waxwing, and other journals, and she serves as an associate editor for Rhino Poetry. Recently retired from 36 years in public education, she looks forward to new adventures.
Sara Moore Wagner
Sara Moore Wagner is an Ohio mother of three, the recipient of a 2019 Sustainable Arts Foundation award, and the author of two chapbooks. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in many journals, including Beloit Poetry Journal and Rhino, among others.
Yun Wang
Yun Wang is the author of The Book of Mirrors (White Pine Press, 2021), The Book of Totality (Salmon Poetry Press, 2015), The Book of Jade (Story Line Press, 2002), and Dreaming of Fallen Blossoms: Tune Poems of Su DongPo (White Pine Press, 2019).
Priscilla Wathington
Priscilla Wathington is a Palestinian-American writer, editor, and human rights advocate. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Michigan Quarterly Review, Matter, The Normal School, Mizna, and Sukoon, among others. Her chapbook, Paper and Stick, is forthcoming with Tram Editions.
Erica Wright
Erica Wright is the Poetry Editor at Guernica Magazine. Her most recent collection of poems is All the Bayou Stories End with Drowned (Black Lawrence Press).
Danae Younge
Danae Younge is a 19-year-old writer whose work has appeared in over 20 publications internationally, including Nonconformist Magazine, Palette Point, and The Curator. She was selected a national winner by The Live Poets Society of New Jersey in 2020.
Maria Zoccola
Maria Zoccola is a queer Southern writer with deep roots in the Mississippi Delta. She has writing degrees from Emory University and Falmouth University. Her work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Ploughshares, 32 Poems, The Massachusetts Review, Colorado Review, and elsewhere.