Issue #44 Contributors

Cover art
“Gouache on Newspaper” by Elizabeth Doran, 7×5 inches, 2015.
'Gbenga Adeoba
‘Gbenga Adeoba's poems have appeared/are forthcoming in Notre Dame Review, Hotel Amerika, Harpur Palate, Pleiades, Juked, and elsewhere. He has received recognition and support from Callaloo and Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. He lives in Ilorin, Nigeria.
Lesya Bazylewicz
Lesya Bazylewicz was a finalist for the 2016 Crab Orchard Review Allison Joseph Poetry Award, and her poetry appears in New South and Drunken Boat. Originally from Chicago, she lives in Baltimore where she is a student in the Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars.
Anemone Beaulier
Anemone Beaulier’s poetry has appeared on Poetry Daily and in The Southern Review, Amoskeag, Cimarron Review, Main Street Rag, Poet Lore, SLAB, and elsewhere. She lives in North Dakota with her husband, two daughters, and son.
Yves Bonnefoy
Yves Bonnefoy was one of the greatest poets of postwar France. In addition to his numerous volumes of verse, he was a prominent translator as well as a writer on art and aesthetics. He passed away last summer.
Mary Kovaleski Byrnes
Mary Kovaleski Byrnes' poems have appeared in numerous literary journals, including Guernica, The Four Way Review, The Hampden Sydney Poetry Review, PANK, and Poets & Artists. She is a senior lecturer in the Writing, Literature, and Publishing Department at Emerson College. Originally from Pennsylvania, Mary lives in Arlington, MA.
Yolanda Castaño
Yolanda Castaño has been awarded prizes such as The Spanish Critics’ Award, Espiral Maior, Ojo Crítico ―for the best published book by a young Spanish poet―, Novacaixagalicia, “Writer of the Year” ―by the Galician Federation of Bookshops― and she was a finalist in the National Poetry Prize. Bilingual editions (Galician-Spanish) of her most recent collections have been published by Visor Libros ―Libro de la Egoísta (2006), Profundidad de Campo (2009) and La segunda lengua (2014).
María do Cebreiro
María do Cebreiro is a writer and lecturer of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her poetry collections include O estadio do espello (1998), (nós, as inadaptadas) (2002), Non queres que o poema te coñeza (2004), O barrio das chinesas (2005), Os hemisferios (2006), Objetos perdidos (2007), Cuarto de outono (2008), Non son de aquí (2009; translated into English by Helena Miguélez Carballeira as I am not from here, Shearsman, 2010), Os inocentes (2014), and O deserto (2015).
Anne Champion
Anne Champion is the author of Reluctant Mistress (Gold Wake Press, 2013), The Good Girl is Always a Ghost (Black Lawrence Press, 2018), and The Dark Length Home (Noctuary Press, 2017). Her poems have appeared in Verse Daily, Prairie Schooner, Salamander, Epiphany Magazine, The Pinch, The Greensboro Review, Thrush Poetry Journal, New South, and elsewhere. She was an 2009 Academy of American Poet’s Prize recipient, a Barbara Deming Memorial grant recipient, and a 2015 Best of the Net winner.
Lucia Cherciu
Lucia Cherciu is a Professor of English at Dutchess Community College in Poughkeepsie, NY. Her new book, Train Ride to Bucharest, is forthcoming from Sheep Meadow Press. Her poetry was nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.
Mary Crawford
Mary Crawford's short stories have appeared in many literary journals, including Confrontation, Green Mountains Review and Carolina Quarterly (Online).
Dana Curtis
Dana Curtis is the author of Wave Particle Duality (Blazevox Books), Camera Stellata (CW Books) and The Body's Response to Famine (Pavement Saw Press). She is the Editor-in-Chief of Elixir Press and currently lives in Denver, CO.
Lisa DeSiro
Lisa DeSiro is the author of the chapbook Grief Dreams (White Knuckle Press, 2017). She lives in Cambridge, MA, where she earned an MFA in Creative Writing at Lesley University and is employed as Production & Editorial Assistant for C.P.E. Bach: The Complete Works.
Sharon Dolin
Sharon Dolin is the author of six poetry collections, most recently Manual for Living (2016) and Whirlwind (2012), both from the University of Pittsburgh Press. The recipient of a 2016 PEN/Heim Translation Fund grant, she directs and teaches in Writing About Art in Barcelona each June.
Valerie Duff-Strautmann
Valerie Duff-Strautmann is the poetry editor at Salamander. Her poems have appeared recently in POETRY, The Common, and The Cortland Review. She was the 2015 Poetry Fellow at the Writers' Room of Boston.
A. R. Dugan
A. R. Dugan has an MFA in creative writing from Emerson College and has read poetry for Redivider and Ploughshares. He taught high school English in southeastern Massachusetts for nine years and currently teaches literature and writing at Emerson College and Wheaton College. He lives in Boston.
Matthew Dulany
Matthew Dulany is a previous contributor to Salamander. More of his poetry can be read in recent and forthcoming issues of The Cape Rock, Confrontation, and The Worcester Review. His fiction has appeared in The Northern Virginia Review and The South Carolina Review.
Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow
Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow’s poetry collection is The Day Judge Spencer Learned the Power of Metaphor and her chapbook is Old School Superhero Loves a Good Wristwatch. Her awards include the Red Hen Press Poetry Award, Tusculum Review Poetry Prize, Willow Review Prize, a Beullah Rose/Smartish Pace Poetry Prize. New poetry appears in The Plume Anthology of Poetry 5, and poems in journals forthcoming from Fulcrum, Santa Clara Review, and South Dakota Review. Her next full-length poetry collection, Horn Section All Day Every Day, is due out in 2018 from Salmon Poetry.
Eric Fishman
Eric Fishman is an educator and literary translator based in Cambridge. His translation work focuses primarily on 20th century French poetry. He teaches 3rd and 4th grade at a progressive elementary school.
George Franklin
George Franklin practices law on Miami Beach, teaches writing in Florida prisons, and even subs for yoga classes. His poetry has appeared in The Threepenny Review, Verse, The Ghazal Page, and Vending Machine Press, and is forthcoming in Gulf Stream and Matter.
Jennifer Franklin
Jennifer Franklin (AB Brown, MFA Columbia) is the author of No Small Gift (Four Way Books, 2018). Her poetry has appeared widely in publications including Blackbird, Boston Review, Gettysburg Review, The Nation, Paris Review, “poem-a-day” on, Poetry Daily, Prairie Schooner, and Verse Daily.
Jessica Greenbaum
Jessica Greenbaum is the author of The Two Yvonnes (Princeton, 2012). She teaches inside and outside academia, in NYC.
John Greening
John Greening's latest books include his Egyptian memoir, Threading a Dream, a verse collaboration with Penelope Shuttle (Heath) and the collection To the War Poets. He is a Cholmondeley Award winner and RLF Fellow in Cambridge.
Becky Hagenston
Becky Hagenston’s third story collection, Scavengers, won the Permafrost Prize and was published in 2016 by University of Alaska Press. She has also won the Spokane Prize and the Mary McCarthy Prize. She’s an associate professor of English at Mississippi State University.
Jeffrey Harrison
Jeffrey Harrison’s fifth book of poems, Into Daylight, won the Dorset Prize and was published by Tupelo Press in 2014. More recently, his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Yale Review, The Kenyon Review, The Hudson Review, Best American Poetry 2016, Best American Poetry 2017, and elsewhere.
Jackson Holbert
Jackson Holbert was born and raised in eastern Washington. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Colorado Review, Willow Springs, and Best New Poets. He currently lives in College Station, Texas.
Emily Jaeger
Emily Jaeger is the author of the chapbook The Evolution of Parasites (Sibling Rivalry Press) illustrated by Robin Levine. Her poems have appeared in Four Way Review, TriQuarterly, and The Offing among others. After completing her MFA at UMass Boston, Emily will be the 2017/2018 Olive B. O'Connor Fellow in Poetry at Colgate University. She has also received fellowships from Literary Lambda, TENT, the New York State Summer Writers Institute, and an Academy of American Poet's Prize.
L. A. Johnson
L. A. Johnson is the author of the chapbook Little Climates, forthcoming from Bull City Press. She received her MFA from Columbia University and is currently pursuing her PhD in literature and creative writing from the University of Southern California, where she is a Provost’s Fellow. Her poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, The Southern Review, the Antioch Review, The Iowa Review, and other journals.
George Kalamaras
George Kalamaras, former Poet Laureate of Indiana (2014-2016), is the author of eight poetry books and seven chapbooks, including Kingdom of Throat-Stuck Luck, winner of the Elixir Press Poetry Prize (2011). He is Professor of English at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
J. Kates
J. Kates is a poet and literary translator who lives in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.
Jenneva Kayser
Jenneva Kayser’s first literary accomplishment was first place at the library for reading more books than any other patron the summer after seventh grade. She received as a prize an illustrated encyclopedia of sports…but didn’t take the hint, and continued reading and writing. She is pursuing her MFA at Warren Wilson College and her poems have appeared in journals such as The Southern Review, Rattle, and Fairy Tale Review.
Jacqueline Kolosov
Jacqueline Kolosov has new creative prose in The Southern Review, Boulevard, and Carolina Quarterly. Her third poetry collection is Memory of Blue (Salmon, 2014), and she coedited Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, which won Foreword’s IndieFab Gold Medal in Writing (Rose Metal, 2015). She directs the Creative Writing Program at Texas Tech where she is Professor of English, and lives with her family, and a menagerie of animals, from dogs to rabbits to horses, on the very windy high plains of West Texas.
Brandon Krieg
Brandon Krieg is the author of In the Gorge (Codhill, 2017) and Invasives (New Rivers Press, 2014), a finalist for the 2015 ASLE Book Award in Environmental Creative Writing. He teaches at Westminster College in Fulton, MO, and lives in Columbia.
Moira Linehan
Moira Linehan is the author of two collections of poetry, both from Southern Illinois University Press: Incarnate Grace and If No Moon. She is a past contributor to Salamander.
Jacqueline Lyons
Jacqueline Lyons is the author of the poetry books The Way They Say Yes Here (Hanging Loose Press) and Lost Colony (Dancing Girl Press). She is Associate Professor of English-Creative Writing at California Lutheran University.
Oksana Maksymchuk
Oksana Maksymchuk is the author of two award-winning books of poetry in the Ukrainian language, Xenia (2005) and Catch (2009). Her translations from Ukrainian and Russian have appeared in the Best European Fiction series (Dalkey Archive Press), London Magazine, Words Without Borders, Poetry International, and others. Maksymchuk won first place in the 2004 Richmond Lattimore and in 2014 Joseph Brodsky-Stephen Spender translation competitions. She is a co-editor of Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine, a NEH-funded anthology of poetry (forthcoming). She teaches philosophy at the University of Arkansas.
Tatiana Neshumova
Tatiana Neshumova was born in Moscow in 1965 and graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow University. She has worked as a teacher and as a curator and researcher at both the Pasternak Museum in Peredelkino and at the Tsvetaeva house-museum. In addition to four books of her own poetry, she has edited and given commentary on classical and contemporary Russian poets.
Frank Ormsby
Frank Ormsby is an Irish poet who lives in Belfast. His collection Goat's Milk is published by Bloodaxe Books and Wake Forest University Press, and The Darkness of Snow will be published in the fall of 2017.
David Ishaya Osu
David Ishaya Osu was born in 1991 in Nigeria. He is a board member of the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation based in Uganda. His poetry appears in Poetry Wales, Vinyl, Transition, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, among others. David is currently the poetry editor for Panorama: The Journal of Intelligent Travel.
Keith Payne
Keith Payne is the Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary Award winner for 2015-2016. His collection Broken Hill, (Lapwing Publications, 2015) was followed by Six Galician Poets, translations of contemporary Galician poetry, (Ed. Manuela Palacios, Arc Publications, 2016). He is co-founder and co-director of POEMARIA International poetry festival, Vigo and director of the La Malinche readings between Ireland and Galicia.
Marsha Pomerantz
Marsha Pomerantz is the author of The Illustrated Edge, a collection of poems (Biblioasis, 2011). Her poems and essays have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal,, Harvard Review, PN Review, and Raritan, and the memoir “Right/Left: A Triptych” was included in Best American Essays 2016.
Steven Ratiner
Steven Ratiner has published three poetry chapbooks and his work has appeared in dozens of journals in America and abroad including Parnassus, AGNI, Hanging Loose, Poet Lore, QRLS (Singapore) and Poetry Australia. He's written essays and poetry criticism for The Christian Science Monitor and their media stations, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The Washington Post. Giving Their Word – Conversations with Contemporary Poets was re-issued in a paperback edition from University of Massachusetts Press and features interviews with some of poetry’s most vital contemporary voices including Seamus Heaney, Mary Oliver, Charles Simic, Bei Dao, Maxine Kumin, and the last full-length interview with Bill Stafford before his death.
Ovidio Reyes
Ovidio Reyes has published in the journals Ascent, Pearl, and Skanky Possum, among others.
Yosef Rosen
Yosef Rosen drives a forklift by day and snores loudly by night. He collects Magic: The Gathering cards and coffee mugs, and occasionally pens scathing Facebook statuses related to St. Louis politics, progressive causes, and bologna-fart jokes. His Elvish is rusty, and he isn’t quite sure where he misplaced his Master of Fine Arts diploma, but gosh darn it, it’s in this room somewhere.
Laurie Rosenblatt
Laurie Rosenblatt is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and a physician at BIDMC in Boston. Her most recent chapbook is A Trapdoor, A Rupture, Something with Kinks, published this year by Finishing Line Press.
Anna V.Q. Ross
Anna V.Q. Ross is the author of If a Storm (Anhinga Press), selected for the 2012 Anhinga – Robert Dana Prize, and Figuring (Bull City Press), an editor’s selection for the 2015 Frost Place Chapbook Competition. Her work has received fellowships from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Vermont Studio Center, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and Squaw Valley Poetry Workshop. She teaches in the Writing, Literature and Publishing Program at Emerson College.
Emily Schulten
Emily Schulten is the author of Rest in Black Haw. Her poetry appears or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Colorado Review, The Missouri Review, Barrow Street, and New Ohio Review, among others. She's a professor of creative writing and English at The College of the Florida Keys.
Conor Scruton
Conor Scruton is a poet and translator currently living in Milwaukee, where he spends most of his non-writing time teaching English and drinking more coffee than he should. His work has appeared in Whiskey Island, Appalachian Heritage, Superstition Review, and other journals.
Julia Shipley
Julia Shipley is the author of a debut collection, The Academy of Hay, winner of the Melissa Lanitis Gregory Poetry Prize and a finalist for the 2016 Vermont Book Award. Her prose book, Adam's Mark was named a 2014 Best Book about New England by the Boston Globe. Her poems have appeared in Green Mountains Review, North American Review, Poet Lore, Poetry, and Verse Daily.
Betsy Sholl
Betsy Sholl served as Poet Laureate of Maine from 2006 to 2011. Her eighth collection of poetry, Otherwise Unseeable, won the 2015 Maine Literary Award for poetry. She teaches in the MFA Program of Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Julian Stannard
Julian Stannard’s latest collection is What were you thinking? (CB Editions, London, 2016). He runs the MA in Creative and Critical Writing at the University of Winchester (UK). He is currently writing a study of Anglo-American poetry called Transatlantic Conversations (Peter Lang). He also teaches at The Poetry School in London.
David Starkey
David Starkey served as Santa Barbara’s 2009-2011 Poet Laureate. He is co-editor and publisher of Gunpowder Press, and the third edition of his Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief (Bedford/St. Martin’s) is currently one of the best-selling creative writing textbooks in North America.
Catherine Stearns
Catherine Stearns has a previous book of poetry from New Rivers Press and a chapbook forthcoming from Slate Roof Press. She is writer-in-residence at the Roxbury Latin School in Boston.
Marjorie Stelmach
Marjorie Stelmach’s most recent book of poems is Falter (Cascade, 2017). Earlier volumes include Bent upon Light and A History of Disappearance (Tampa) and Without Angels (Mayapple). She is the recipient of the 2016 Chad Walsh Poetry Prize.
Hannah Stephenson
Hannah Stephenson is a poet, editor, and literary event organizer. She is the author of Cadence and In the Kettle, the Shriek. You can visit her online at The Storialist.
Margo Taft Stever
Margo Taft Stever’s five poetry collections include Cracked Piano (CavanKerry Press, forthcoming, 2019); The Lunatic Ball (Kattywompus Press, 2015); The Hudson Line (Main Street Rag, 2012); Frozen Spring (Mid-List Press First Series Award, 2002); and Reading the Night Sky (Riverstone Press, 1996). She is the founding and current co-editor of Slapering Hol Press.
Cammy Thomas
Cammy Thomas has published two books of poems with Four Way Books, Inscriptions (2014), and Cathedral of Wish (2005), which won the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America. She lives in Lexington, Massachusetts, and teaches at Concord Academy.
Steve Trumpeter
Steve Trumpeter’s fiction has appeared in Sycamore Review, Hobart, Jabberwock Review, Chicago Quarterly Review and others. He teaches fiction writing at StoryStudio Chicago and co-hosts a popular quarterly reading and music series called Fictlicious.
Emily Tuszynska
Emily Tuszynska’s poems have appeared in a number of journals, including Crab Orchard Review, PRISM International, Southern Poetry Review, and Rhino. She lives in Fairfax, Virginia with her husband and three young children.
Christopher Warner
Christopher Warner drives an old truck and works as a brakeman for Union Pacific Railroad. His poems have been featured in Drunken Boat, Slipstream, and the Adirondack Review. He lives in central Illinois with his wife and three small boys.
Ellen Doré Watson
Ellen Doré Watson’s 5th collection, pray me stay eager, is forthcoming from Alice James in 2018. She directs the Poetry Center at Smith, edits poetry & translation at Massachusetts Review, and teaches in Drew University's Low-Res MFA program.
Sandy Weisman
Sandy Weisman is a poet and visual artist. Her poetry has been included in two anthologies and a number of journals, including Barrow Street, Off the Coast, the Aurorean, The Maine Review, and Spillway. Her artist books and mixed media collages have been exhibited in the Boston area and in Maine. Weisman is the owner of 26 Split Rock Cove, a privately owned artist community of studios, artist living space, and workshops overlooking Mussel Ridge Channel in South Thomaston.
James Winter
James Winter teaches English at Kent State University Salem and works extensively with the Upward Bound summer program. His fiction and creative nonfiction has been published or is forthcoming from One Story, Prairie Schooner, PANK Magazine, Midwestern Gothic, Prick of the Spindle, The Rubbertop Review, and Insomnia & Obsession. Currently, he is finishing a short story collection as well as a memoir.
Margot Wizansky
Margot Wizansky’s poems have appeared in many journals. She edited two poetry collections: Mercy of Tides and Rough Places Plain. She won a Writers@Work Poetry Fellowship and the Dobler Prize to write in Ireland. She transcribed Don’t Look Them in the Eye, the oral history of her friend, grandson of slaves, son of sharecroppers.
Mark Wyatt
Mark Wyatt has been photographing people on the streets of wherever he happens to be since around 1980. His photographs are all uncropped and are minimally processed so that each one most faithfully reproduces what the camera saw at the moment the shutter was tripped.