look, my monologue has broken off I don’t know who’s guilty maybe my own brain allured towards another light by the little beggars who tug on your sleeves …
To touch the indentation, purled and pinched, centered in a swale of flesh between bone ridges, point where tissue was severed, and we were torn from the beat…
a man who covered his body in tattoos, tattoo, its root in seventeenth century Dutch for “turn off the taps,” prolonged bugle call to tavern owners so soldiers would…
两龟乘犊车, 蓦出路头戏。 一蛊从傍来, 苦死欲求寄。 不载爽人情, 始载被沉累。 弹指不可论, 行恩却遭刺。 Two tortoises on a cart pulled by a young ox find a sudden drama on the roadside. A demon insect…
少年何所愁, 愁见鬓毛白。 白更何所愁, 愁见日逼迫。 移向东岱居, 配守北邙宅。 何忍出此言, 此言伤老客。 Why is that young man upset? He’s scared to see white hair. Why does white hair spook him? He worries…
智者君抛我, 愚者我抛君。 非愚亦非智, 从此断相闻。 入夜歌明月, 侵晨舞白云。 焉能拱口手, 端坐鬓纷纷。 The wise shun me. I shun the fools. But I’m neither foolish nor wise, so I break off contact. At…
Dear furred tongue, dear slack tongue of the coach, dear set piece in the apocryphal lore of a mad philosopher, you were flogged mercilessly at Piazza Carlos Alberto for…
To hack an ode from a 40-year-old tree, you must spare the lower branches so they can care for roots while the new variety takes hold. Scions dislike the…