Whoever stopped rowing took this picture of me standing, fists in jacket pockets, beside the rotting pier, another potential failure, feature of the empty April beach, new companion to…
1. The Melancholy of Departure The removal began precisely as its planners had decided months earlier with names and ages and dispositions: dead, the dispositions always showed those to…
Sara Majka’s stories are imbued with longing for lost loved ones and lost homes in places where the narrator, Anne, has lived. But the stories are also about places…
Following the thirty-six years of Generalissimo Franco’s dictatorial rule of Spain, the country began its swift transition to a democracy in 1975. The surrender of power was quick and…
The train seems heavier on the tracks tonight although the news is now old news— the unexpected derision at the local hangout, the two girls who were drinking…
We sit beneath a giant maple watching pirouettes of yellow gust upwards, each leaf an illumined skin stretched across a pliable spine. My son spins an apple between his…
Completely blind since birth, Laura would stare for minutes into a close-held flashlight beam, press the heels of her thumbs into her eyes so she could ‘see’ the eruption…
At the bus stop under the horse chestnut, we tally the length of Boyhood against the babysitter's plans for later and, waiting, see the leaves have started to wilt,…
where Route 100 meets School Street, two cows graze. I've heard Vermonters lend their cows to neighbors—and to the city, it seems—free food for cows, free mowing for the…