In “the excitement of firing” one young soldier on the roof of No. 25 Northumberland Road knocked himself unconscious with the butt of his own rifle, while his comrade,…
At times we believe we have been wronged, so perfectly and bankrupted, that someone must come to redress us and does so— a stranger appearing who reveals an…
It’s still there. So are my dead parents in their bathing suits and white terrycloth robes, trundling their beach bags, chairs, and umbrellas. The path connects woods to river,…
I have been reading your better servant George Herbert again, and I’m trying to turn my day into prayer, praying as the toast rises with the toaster’s tinny bell…
The Suffolk English Department is happy to present David Ferry reading his new translation of Virgil's Aeneid, just out from University of Chicago Press. We hope you can join us…