Kathleen Aguero
Kathleen Aguero’s latest book is After That (Tiger Bark Books). She teaches in the Solstice low-residency MFA program at Pine Manor College and runs Creative Writing for Caregiver Workshops privately and in community settings.
Hussain Ahmed
Hussain Ahmed is a Nigerian poet and environmentalist. His poems are featured or forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, POETRY, The Cincinnati Review, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. He is currently an MFA candidate in Poetry at the University of Mississippi.
Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson is a recently retired professor of English at Oregon State University and a Catholic deacon. He has published a number of books of poetry and prose, most recently a book of poems, You Never Know, from Stephen F. Austin State University Press.
E. Kristin Anderson
E. Kristin Anderson is a poet and glitter enthusiast living mostly at a Starbucks somewhere in Austin, TX. She is the editor of Come as You Are, an anthology of writing on 90’s pop culture, and her work has been widely published in magazines. She is the author of nine chapbooks of poetry, including A Guide for the Practical Abductee, Pray, Pray, Pray: Poems I wrote to Prince in the middle of the night, We’re Doing Witchcraft, 17 seventeen XVII, and Behind, All You’ve Got. Kristin is a poetry reader at Cotton Xenomorph and an editorial assistant at Porkbelly Press. Once upon a time she worked nights at The New Yorker.
Sandra Beasley
Sandra Beasley is the author of Made to Explode (forthcoming in 2021); Count the Waves; I Was the Jukebox (winner of the Barnard Women Poets Prize); Theories of Falling (winner of the New Issues Poetry Prize); and Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl: Tales from an Allergic Life, a disability memoir. She also edited Vinegar and Char: Verse from the Southern Foodways Alliance. She lives in Washington, D.C.
Lisa Bellamy
Lisa Bellamy teaches at The Writers Studio and studies with Philip Schultz, the director. She is the author of The Northway, a poetry collection, and Nectar, a chapbook. She has won a Pushcart Prize, a Pushcart Special Mention, and a Fugue Poetry Prize.
Dmitry Blizniuk
Dmitry Blizniuk has had recent poems appear in Poet Lore, The Pinch, Press53, Grub Street, The Nassau Review, Havik, Naugatuck River, and many others. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he is also the author of The Red Forest (Fowlpox Press, 2018). He lives in Kharkov, Ukraine.
Julie Choffel
Julie Choffel is the author of The Hello Delay (Fordham, 2012) and two chapbooks, Figures in a Surplus (Achiote, 2010) and The Chicories (Ethel, 2019). Her poems can also be found in Painted Bride Quarterly, Southern Humanities Review, the tiny, Phoebe, and The Wallace Stevens Journal, among others. She teaches creative writing at the University of Connecticut.
Nguyen Ba Chung
Nguyen Ba Chung is a writer, poet and translator. He is the co-translator of Thoi Xa Vang (A Time Far Past); Mountain River: Vietnamese Poetry from The Wars 1948-1993; Distant Road: Selected Poems of Nguyen Duy; Six Vietnamese Poets; Zen Poems from Early Vietnam; and others. He served for many years as Research Associate at the William Joiner Institute at the University of Massachusetts-Boston.
Clayton Adam Clark
Clayton Adam Clark lives in St. Louis, his hometown, where he works as a public health research scientist and volunteers for River Styx magazine. His debut poetry collection, A Finitude of Skin (Moon City Press, 2018), won the Moon City Poetry Award.
Andrew Collard
Andrew Collard is a PhD student and instructor at Western Michigan University. His poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Crazyhorse, and Sixth Finch, among other journals.
Martha Collins
Martha Collins is the author of ten collections of poetry, most recently Because What Else Could I Do (Pittsburgh, 2019), Night Unto Night (Milkweed, 2018), and Admit One: An American Scrapbook (Pittsburgh, 2016). She has also co-translated four volumes of Vietnamese poetry, including Black Stars: Poems by Ngo Tu Lap (Milkweed, 2013, with the author). She founded the creative writing program at the University of Massachusetts-Boston and served as Pauline Delaney Professor of Creative Writing at Oberlin for ten years.
Emily Corwin
Emily Corwin’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Passages North, DIAGRAM, Ninth Letter, New South, and elsewhere. Her book, Sensorium, is now out with the University of Akron Press. She lives and works in Michigan with her love-person, Joe, and her very photogenic cat, Soup.
Barbara Daniels
Barbara Daniels’ Talk to the Lioness is forthcoming from Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press. Daniels’ poetry has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Mid-American Review, and elsewhere. She received a 2020 fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Holly Day
Holly Day’s poetry has recently appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Grain, and Harvard Review. Her newest poetry collections are Into the Cracks, Cross Referencing a Book of Summer, and The Tooth is the Largest Bone in the Human Body.
Gary Duehr
Based in Boston, Gary Duehr has taught poetry and writing for local colleges. His MFA is from the University of Iowa Writers Workshop. In 2001 he received an NEA Poetry Fellowship, and he has also received grants and fellowships from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the LEF Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Hollie Dugas
Hollie Dugas teaches in New Mexico. Her work has been included in Barrow Street, Reed Magazine, Pembroke, Poet Lore, Watershed Review, CALYX, Phoebe, Fugue, and she was a two-time finalist at Breakwater Review and the winner of the Western Humanities Review Mountain West Writers’ Contest (2017).
Saddiq Dzukogi
Saddiq Dzukogi is the author of Inside the Flower Room, selected by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani for the APBF New Generation African Poets Chapbook Series. His recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Kenyon Review, Poetry Society of America, Gulf Coast, African American Review, Crab Orchard Review, Prairie Schooner, and Verse Daily. He is a PhD student in English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Robert Evory
Robert Evory is a Doctoral Assistant at Western Michigan University, where he has acted as the Assistant Coordinator of the Creative Writing Program. He is the managing editor of The Poet’s Billow. His poetry is featured in: Georgia Review, Massachusetts Review, Natural Bridge, Nashville Review, Madison Review, Water~Stone Review, and elsewhere.
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto is from Owerri-Nkworji in Nkwerre, Imo state, Nigeria, and grew up between Germany and Nigeria.
Emily Forbes
Vibrant use of color and movement are often the first things observed in the art of Emily Forbes. Self-taught, Emily began using art in adulthood as a means of therapy after a car accident resulted in disability. Her expressive, intuitive style takes influences from nature, modern life, sound, and sprinkles in a sense of hope and magic.
Brandel France de Bravo
Brandel France de Bravo is the author of two prize-winning poetry collections (Provenance and Mother, Loose), co-author of a parenting book, and the editor of a bilingual anthology of Mexican poetry (Mexican Poetry Today: 20/20 Voices). Her poems and essays have appeared in various publications, including Alaska Quarterly Review, Cincinnati Review, Fourth Genre, The Georgia Review, Green Mountains Review, Gulf Coast, and the Seneca Review. She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College’s low residency program for writers.
Jan Freeman
Jan Freeman is the author of three collections of poetry, most recently Blue Structure. Her poems are forthcoming in POETRY and Welcome to the Resistance: Poetry as Protest. She teaches at the MASS MoCA Ekphrastic Poetry Retreats and provides manuscript consultations and editorial services to poets and writers.
David Galloway
David Galloway is a writer and professor of Russian. Born in Maryland, for the past twenty-five years he has lived in upstate New York. His poetry and essays have most recently appeared in Watershed Review, Atlanta Review, Typehouse, and Permafrost.
Michela L. Garabedian
Michela L. Garabedian is a scientist and poet from New York City. She currently works in cardiovascular disease research at NYU Medical Center. Her poetry has appeared in Sycamore Review.
Karen L. George
Karen L. George is author of five chapbooks and two poetry collections: Swim Your Way Back and A Map and One Year. She has appeared in South Dakota Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Adirondack Review, Louisville Review, and Naugatuck River Review.
Sergey Gerasimov
Sergey Gerasimov is a translator of Russian poetry and prose, and lives in Kharkiv, Ukraine. His writings span the gamut from philosophical poetry to surrealism and tongue-in-cheek fantasy. His stories have appeared in Adbusters, Clarkesworld Magazine, Strange Horizons, and other venues. He is the author of several novels and more than a hundred short stories published mostly in Russian.
Mike Good
Mike Good lives in Pittsburgh. His recent poetry and reviews can be found in december, The Carolina Quarterly, Five Points, Full Stop, SOFTBLOW, and elsewhere. He has received an emerging writer scholarship from The Sun, holds an MFA from Hollins University, and is the managing editor of Autumn House Press.
Kelle Groom
Kelle Groom is the author of Spill, Five Kingdoms, Luckily (Anhinga), and Underwater City (U. Press of Florida). Her memoir, I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl (Simon & Schuster) was a B&N Discover selection and NYTBR Editor’s Choice. She lives in Provincetown, MA.
Cameron Haramia
Cameron Haramia is a California-born Hoosier who can be found on the dance floor. He’s danced his way to Memphis, Mexico, and marine animals. Haramia’s poems have appeared in Rogue Agent, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Indianapolis Review, and elsewhere.
Joseph Holt
Joseph Holt teaches at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His book reviews have also appeared in Prairie Schooner, Harvard Review Online, and Colorado Review.
Jackleen Holton
Jackleen Holton’s poems have been published or are forthcoming in journals including Dogwood, North American Review, Poet Lore, Rattle, and Rosebud, as well as The Giant Book of Poetry, and California Fire & Water: A Climate Crisis Anthology.
Jade Hurter
Jade Hurter is the author of the chapbook Slut Songs (Hyacinth Girl Press, 2017), and her recent work has appeared in THRUSH, Passages North, Hunger Mountain, Puerto Del Sol, Iron Horse Literary Review, and elsewhere. She teaches English at the University of New Orleans.
Joan Naviyuk Kane
Joan Naviyuk Kane is Inupiaq with family from King Island (Ugiuvak) and Mary’s Igloo, Alaska (Qawiaraq). She is the author of seven collections of poetry and prose, most recently Another Bright Departure (CutBank, 2019). She is the Hilles Bush Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and currently raises her sons as a single mother in Cambridge.
Anne Kilfoyle
Anne Kilfoyle grew up in Boise, ID. An emerging writer, her work has appeared in Epoch and was recognized in the Top 25 for the Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers. She holds an MFA from Eastern Washington University and lives in Oregon.
Peter Krumbach
Peter Krumbach’s most recent work has been published in Copper Nickel, The Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, New Ohio Review, and elsewhere.
Frannie Lindsay
Frannie Lindsay’s sixth volume, The Snow’s Wife, is forthcoming from Cavankerry Press this fall. Her honors include the Benjamin Saltman Award, the Washington Prize, the May Swenson Award, and The Missouri Review Prize, as well as fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Lindsay’s work appears in the Atlantic Monthly, The American Poetry Review, The Yale Review, Field, Plume, The Adroit Journal, and Best American Poetry. She teaches workshops on grief and trauma and is a classical pianist.
Anthony Thomas Lombardi
Anthony Thomas Lombardi is a poet/writer and former music journalist. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Wildness, Third Coast, Gigantic Sequins, American Poetry Journal, Dialogist, Permafrost Magazine, Poetry City, and elsewhere. He currently serves as a poetry reader for Adroit Journal, advocates for mental health and addiction awareness, and lives in Brooklyn, NY, with his cat, Dilla.
Lauren Mallet
Lauren Mallett’s poems appear in RHINO, Smartish Pace, Sou’wester, Fugue, Passages North, and other journals. She lives and teaches in Indiana.
Michael Mark
Michael Mark’s poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Copper Nickel, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Southern Review, The New York Times, The Sun, Waxwing, The Poetry Foundation’s American Life in Poetry, Verse Daily, and other lovely places. He’s the author of two books of stories, Toba and At the Hands of a Thief (Atheneum).
Rose McLarney
Rose McLarney’s collections of poems are Its Day Being Gone, winner of the National Poetry Series, and Forage, both from Penguin Books, as well as The Always Broken Plates of Mountains, published by Four Way Books. She is co-editor of A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia, from University of Georgia Press, and the journal Southern Humanities Review. McLarney is Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Auburn University.
Ilan Mochari
Ilan Mochari’s Pushcart-nominated debut novel Zinsky the Obscure earned flattering reviews from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, and Booklist. His poems and short stories have been widely published, appearing or forthcoming in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Juked, Solstice, Hobart, J Journal, Valparaiso Fiction Review, Pamplemousse, Inkwell, and elsewhere. His work has been nominated for the Derringer Award and he is the recipient of a Literature Artist Fellowship grant from the Somerville Arts Council.
Rajiv Mohabir
Rajiv Mohabir is the author of two poetry collections and a translator. His memoir Antiman won the 2019 New Immigrant Writing Prize from Reckless Books and is forthcoming in 2021. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of Poetry in the MFA program at Emerson College and translations editor at Waxwing Magazine.
Naomi Mulvihill
Naomi Mulvihill was a fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA. Her poems have been published in the Kenyon Review Online, Green Mountains Review, West Branch, and others, and featured in Verse Daily and The Unamuno Author Series Festival Anthology.
Kathryn Nuernberger
Kathryn Nuernberger has written three poetry collections: RUE, The End of Pink, and Rag & Bone, as well as the essay collection Brief Interviews with the Romantic Past. The Witch of Eye, an essay collection about witches and witch trials, forthcoming in 2021. Awards include the James Laughlin Prize from the Academy of American Poets, an NEA fellowship, and “notable” essays in the Best American series.
Emily O'Neill
Emily O’Neill teaches writing and tends bar in Cambridge, MA. She is the author of two poetry collection with YesYes Books: Pelican (2015), winner of the 2015 Pamet River Prize and the 2016 Devil’s Kitchen Reading Series, and A Falling Knife Has No Handle (2018). She has published five chapbooks, most recently a revised edition of You Can’t Pick Your Genre from Big Lucks Books, and her recent work has appeared in Bennington Review, Catapult, Little Fiction, Redivider, Salt Hill, and Sixth Finch, among many others.
Sebastián Hasani Páramo
Sebastián Hasani Páramo is a CantoMundo Fellow and is a PhD candidate in English and creative writing at the University of North Texas. His work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in TriQuarterly, Missouri Review, Kenyon Review, among others. He is the editor-in-chief of THE BOILER.
Joanna Pearson
Joanna Pearson’s collection of short stories, Every Human Love, was published by Acre Books in 2019. Her fiction has recently appeared in Colorado Review, Crazyhorse, The Sewanee Review, and Subtropics, among other journals.
Edward Sambrano III
Edward Sambrano III is from San Antonio, TX, and currently lives and writes around the Washington, D.C., area. A poetry reader for Flypaper Lit, his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in DIAGRAM and Murmur, among other publications.
Chris Siteman
Chris Siteman lives in Massachusetts. His poems and nonfiction are forthcoming from, or have appeared in, journals such as Sugar House Review, Reed Magazine, River Teeth, The American Journal of Poetry, and Consequence Magazine, among numerous others.
Catherine Stearns
Catherine Stearns’ first book of poetry, published by New Rivers Press, was a Minnesota Voices Project winner and a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award. She stopped writing for several years, but after a long silence published a chapbook, Then & Again (Slate Roof Press, 2018). Her poems have appeared in Poetry Daily, The New Ohio Review, and The Yale Review, among other journals.
Katie Sticca
Katie Sticca is the managing editor of Salamander. She received her MFA from Emerson College, and lives in Boston.
Beth Suter
Beth Suter studied Environmental Science at UC Davis and has worked as a naturalist and teacher. She is also a Pushcart Prize nominee, with recent or forthcoming poems in Bellingham Review, Poetry South, Mudfish, and Poet Lore. She lives in California with her husband and son.
Tue Sy
Born Pham Van Thuong on Feb 15, 1943 in Pakse, Laos, Tue Sy became a monk at a very early age. He was editor-in-chief of Tu Tuong Journal at Van Hanh University, and has published, in addition to books of poetry, books on Zen, the philosophy of Sunyata, and Du Fu. A well-known dissident in Vietnam, he was imprisoned for fourteen years, and remains one of the foremost scholars of Buddhism in the country. English translations of his poems by Nguyen Ba Chung and Martha Collins have appeared in Gulf Coast, Two Lines, Consequence, and elsewhere.
Matthew Wamser
Matthew Wamser is an MFA candidate at the University of Michigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program, where this story received the Henfield Prize in Fiction. This is his first publication.
Yun Wang
Yun Wang is the author of poetry books, The Book of Totality (Salmon Poetry Press, 2015) and The Book of Jade (Story Line Press, 2002), and poetry translation book Dreaming of Fallen Blossoms: Tune Poems of Su Dong-Po (White Pine Press 2019).
John Sibley Williams
John Sibley Williams is the author of As One Fire Consumes Another (Orison Poetry Prize), Skin Memory (Backwaters Prize), and Summon (JuxtaProse Chapbook Prize). A twenty three-time Pushcart nominee and winner of various awards, John serves as editor of The Inflectionist Review, teaches for Literary Arts, and is a poetry agent.
Erin Wilson
Erin Wilson has published poems in Pembroke Magazine, Under a Warm Green Linden, The Literary Review of Canada, and elsewhere. Her first collection is At Home with Disquiet, published with Circling Rivers. She lives in a small town in northern Ontario, Canada.
Olivia Wolfgang-Smith
Olivia Wolfgang-Smith’s writing has appeared in Ninth Letter, Little Fiction, Flyway, The Common, and elsewhere. Her work has been longlisted for Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers and DIAGRAM’s innovative fiction contest, and nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net Anthology. She lives in Brooklyn and is at work on a novel.
Joseph Zaccardi
Joseph Zaccardi served as Marin County California Poet Laureate (201315), was a grant recipient of the Marin Arts Council, and has had poems published in Rattle, Cincinnati Review, Poetry East, and elsewhere.