The Face of a New Storm

Paula Colangelo
| poetry


—with a line by Fred Marchant

There have always been storms.
Earth born from storm.

The landscape, a particular haunting.
I flew toward the epicenter
after many fled. Met
flooded canals, felled trees. Tumors.
All kinds of tumors.

My mind can’t comprehend
moving off planet.
No greenery or sunlit fields.
My language wreaks of blame
until I try to imagine a world
completely merciful.

Some days there is a blurring.

Paula Colangelo’s poems are published in Sugar House Review, SWWIM Every Day, Lily Poetry Review, Connecticut River Review, and Stone Canoe, among other journals. Her book reviews appear in Pleiades and Rain Taxi. She has taught poetry in healing-focused rehabilitation programs.

Breaking Home
Turning Toward