Millicent Borges Accardi
Millicent Borges Accardi, a Portuguese American writer, has four poetry collections. Among her awards are poetry fellowships from the NEA, California Arts Council, CantoMundo, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts NYC, and Creative Capacity.
Faiz Ahmad
Faiz Ahmad is a recent graduate in Biological Sciences, IIT Madras. Apart from having received Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations, his work appears in Poetry Daily, Poetry Northwest, Denver Quarterly, Bayou, Quarterly West, and others.
Brent Ameneyro
Brent Ameneyro is the 2022–23 Letras Latinas Poetry Coalition Fellow at the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Latino Studies. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, The Iowa Review, Ninth Letter, The Journal, and elsewhere. He currently serves as the Poetry Editor at The Los Angeles Review.
Toni Artuso
Toni Artuso is an emerging/aging trans female writer living in Salem, MA. Her verse has appeared in Honeyguide Literary Magazine, which nominated one of her pieces for a Pushcart Prize. Her poems have also appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, The Lyric, Star*Line, The Aurorean, Ibbetson Street Press, Italian Americana, Main Street Rag, Pegasus, Pine Island Journal, Poetry Depth Quarterly, and Late Knocking.
Ellen Austin-Li
Ellen Austin-Li’s work has appeared in Artemis, Thimble Literary, The Maine Review, Rust + Moth, SWWIM, and other places. A Best of the Net nominee, she’s published two chapbooks with Finishing Line Press. Ellen earned an MFA in Poetry at the Solstice Low-Residency Program.
Terena Elizabeth Bell
Terena Elizabeth Bell is a writer. Her debut short story collection, Tell Me What You See (Whiskey Tit), was published in December 2022.
Layla Benitez-James
Layla Benitez-James is the author of God Suspected My Heart Was a Geode, but He Had to Make Sure, winner of Cave Canem’s 2017 Toi Derricotte & Cornelius Eady Chapbook Prize. Her writing and translations have been published in Poetry Magazine, Black Femme Collective, World Literature Today, Virginia Quarterly Review, and Copper Nickel. Layla served as the Director of Literary Outreach for the Unamuno Authors Series in Madrid and is now an editor at Apartamento Magazine in Barcelona.
Bryce Berkowitz
Bryce Berkowitz is the recipient of the AMC TV Pilot Award at the Austin Film Festival (2021). He is the author of Bermuda Ferris Wheel, winner of the 42 Miles Press | Indiana U. Poetry Award (2022).
Barbara Boches
Barbara Boches’ poems have appeared in Poet Lore, Solstice, SWWIM, upstreet, and other literary magazines. Her first chapbook Which Will Change the Other More? was published by Finishing Line Press.
Shlagha Borah
Shlagha Borah is a poet from Assam, India. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Identity Theory, Variant Literature, South Dakota Review, and elsewhere. She is pursuing an MFA in Poetry at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and is the co-founder of Pink Freud, a collective working toward making mental health accessible in India.
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura is the author of Common Grace (Beacon Press) and Ubasute (Slapering Hol Press). He is a MacDowell Fellow, a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow, and his work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Plume Poetry, RHINO, and elsewhere.
Abigail Chang
Abigail Chang is a writer and editor currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Fractured, Room, Moon City Review, Cortland Review, Citron Review, The Shore, and elsewhere.
Don Clermont
Don Clermont’s poems have appeared in Yemassee, the San Diego Poetry Annual, and elsewhere. He was a finalist for the 2020 Steve Kowit Poetry Prize and currently lives in Berlin.
B Rivka Clifton
B Rivka Clifton is the transfemme author of Muzzle (forthcoming JackLeg Press) and the chapbooks MOT and Agape (Osmanthus Press). They have work in: Pleiades, Guernica, Cincinnati Review, Salt Hill, Colorado Review, The Journal, Beloit Poetry Journal, and other magazines. They are an avid record collector and curator of curiosities.
Sascha Cohen
Sascha Cohen is a writer from Los Angeles.
Paula Colangelo
Paula Colangelo’s poems are published in Sugar House Review, SWWIM Every Day, Lily Poetry Review, Connecticut River Review, and Stone Canoe, among other journals. Her book reviews appear in Pleiades and Rain Taxi. She has taught poetry in healing-focused rehabilitation programs.
Joseph Dante
Joseph Dante is an MFA candidate at Florida Atlantic University. His work has previously appeared in Permafrost, PANK, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. He lives in Plantation, FL, with his husband and three cats.
Kathy Davis
Kathy Davis is the author of the poetry collection Passiflora, which won the 2019 Cider Press Review Book Award. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has been a finalist for Best of the Net and the Conger Beasley Jr. Award for Nonfiction. She lives in Richmond, VA, with her husband and superhero pup, The Batman.
Jose Hernandez Diaz
Jose Hernandez Diaz is a 2017 NEA Poetry Fellow. He is the author of The Fire Eater (Texas Review Press, 2020) and the forthcoming Bad Mexican, Bad American (Acre Books, 2024). He lives, teaches, and edits in Southeast Los Angeles County.
Chelsea Dingman
Chelsea Dingman is the author of Thaw (University of Georgia Press, 2017) and through a small ghost (University of Georgia Press, 2020). Her third collection, I, Divided, is forthcoming from Louisiana State University Press in the fall of 2023.
Alyson Mosquera Dutemple
Alyson Mosquera Dutemple’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Colorado Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Passages North, and Arts & Letters, among others, and her story manuscript was a runner-up for the 2022 Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction. She works as an editor and creative writing instructor in New Jersey.
Megan Gannon
Megan Gannon is the author of White Nightgown (poems) and Cumberland (a novel). Poems from her new manuscript, Dispatch from Every Second Guess, appear in Atlanta Review, Boulevard, Alaska Quarterly Review, and are forthcoming in Meridian and Calyx. She is an Associate Professor of English at Ripon College.
Adam J. Gellings
Adam J. Gellings is the author of the poetry collection Little Palace, and his poems have appeared in New South, The Louisville Review, Willow Springs, and elsewhere. He lives in Columbus, OH.
Tina Gross
Tina Gross lives on the Red River of the North in Moorhead, MN, and has an MFA from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She sometimes writes experimental and found poems inspired by her work as a cataloging and metadata librarian.
Jacinto Guevara
Jacinto Guevara is a figurative plein air painter of urban landscapes. Born in Los Angeles in 1956, Jacinto has been drawing and painting since 1961. His professional artistic career began in 1986 while living at The American Hotel above Al’s Bar in Los Angeles. He routinely has conversations with passersby whose comments and knowledge of local lore have influenced his work. He has resided in San Antonio, TX, since 1992.
Ashley Hajimirsadeghi
Ashley Hajimirsadeghi is an Iranian-American multimedia artist, writer, and journalist. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Passages North, The Cortland Review, RHINO, Salt Hill, and The Journal, among others.
John T. Howard
John T. Howard is a Colombian-American writer, translator, and educator. His poetry can be found in Notre Dame Review, PANK Magazine, Exit 7, Sweet Tree Review, and Red Rock Review, with forthcoming work in The Worcester Review. He resides in the greater Boston area with his partner and their daughter, and he teaches in the Writing Departments at Babson College and Tufts University.
Jen Jabaily-Blackburn
Twice selected for Best New Poets, Jen Jabaily-Blackburn’s most recent work is forthcoming or has appeared in Fugue, Banshee, On the Seawall, Couplet Poetry, Indiana Review, Radar Poetry, The Common, and Massachusetts Review. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her family, where she is Program & Outreach coordinator for the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center at Smith College.
Bethany Jarmul
Bethany Jarmul is a writer, editor, and poet. Her work has appeared in more than 50 literary magazines and has been nominated for Best of the Net and Best Spiritual Literature. She lives near Pittsburgh, PA.
Sneha Subramanian Kanta
Sneha Subramanian Kanta is the author of the chapbook Ghost Tracks (Louisiana Literature Press, 2020). She is the founding editor of Parentheses Journal and Poetry Editor of Chestnut Review.
Tyler Kline
Tyler Kline is a poet whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bat City Review, Best New Poets, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, and The Massachusetts Review. He’s currently completing his MFA at New York University, where he is a Jan Gabrial Fellow.
Nichole LeFebvre
Nichole LeFebvre is a writer based in Oakland, CA. An alumna of Hedgebrook and the University of Virginia’s MFA program, she has published criticism, essays, and fiction in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Fourth Genre, and Southeast Review.
Xiaoly Li
Xiaoly Li is the author of the poetry collection Every Single Bird Rising (FutureCycle Press, 2023). She received an Artist Fellowship Grant in Poetry (2022) from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. She has been nominated for Best New Poets, twice for a Pushcart Prize, and three times for Best of the Net.
Leanne Ma
Leanne Ma is an MFA candidate at UMass Boston.
Angie Macri
Angie Macri is the author of Sunset Cue (Bordighera), winner of the Lauria/ Frasca Poetry Prize, and Underwater Panther (Southeast Missouri State University), winner of the Cowles Poetry Book Prize. An Arkansas Arts Council fellow, she lives in Hot Springs and teaches at Hendrix College.
Aysha Mahmood
Aysha Mahmood is a Pakistani and Dominican writer based in Connecticut. Her creative writing has appeared in Leon Literary Review, Trouble- maker Firestarter, and Unstamatic. When she's not writing, Aysha can be found binge-watching Bob Ross videos and eating an unhealthy amount of chocolate.
John William McConnell
John William McConnell lives in Dallas with his apparently still-willing spouse and their children. He is working toward a PhD in something or other from the University of North Texas. His work has appeared in numerous journals and magazines. He was once a cheesemonger.
Owen McLeod
Owen McLeod is author of, most recently, Before After (Saturnalia Books, 2023). His poems appear in Copper Nickel, New England Review, Ploughshares, The Southern Review, The Sun, and many other places. He teaches philosophy at Lafayette College.
Sebastian Merrill
Sebastian Merrill’s debut poetry collection GHOST :: SEEDS was selected by Kimiko Hahn as the winner of the 2022 X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize and is forthcoming in Fall 2023 from Texas Review Press. A member of the 2023 Get the Word Out inaugural poetry cohort for debut writers from Poets & Writers and the 2022-23 winner of the Levis Prize for Poetry from Friends of Writers, Sebastian holds an MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College.
Milica Mijatović
Milica Mijatović is a Serbian poet and translator. Her chapbook War Food won the Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition and is forthcoming from Southword Editions in Cork, Ireland. Her poems have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and she serves as Assistant Poetry Editor for Consequence.
David P. Miller
David P. Miller’s collection, Bend in the Stair, was published by Lily Poetry Review Books in 2021. Sprawled Asleep was published by Nixes Mate Books in 2019. His poems have appeared in Meat for Tea, Solstice, Kestrel, Paterson Literary Review, Constellations, Jerry Jazz Musician, museum of americana, and LEON Literary Review, among others, as well as several anthologies. His poem “Add One Father to Earth” was awarded an Honorable Mention by Robert Pinsky for the New England Poetry Club's 2019 Samuel Washington Allen Prize competition. He lives with his wife, the visual artist Jane Wiley, in Jamaica Plain, MA.
Ali Nasir
Ali Nasir (he/him) is a writer from Lahore, Pakistan. He is the Editor-in-Chief for Handwritten & Co., a print literary arts journal. His work is forthcoming in publications such as Narrative and Litro, among others.
Kathy Nilsson
Kathy Nilsson’s The Infant Scholar was published by Tupelo Press and her chapbook, The Abattoir, was published by Finishing Line Press. She received the Robert H. Winner Award from Poetry Society of America, a fellowship from New York State, and a MacDowell residency. Her poems have appeared in POETRY and Boston Review.
Sihle Ntuli
Sihle Ntuli is a poet from Durban, South Africa, and is a recipient of the 2023 Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Studies Writing Fellowship. His work has been featured in leading journals such as Frontier Poetry, SAND Journal, Herri, and Mizna, among others. He is the author of the poetry chapbook The Nation (River Glass Books, 2023).
Suphil Lee Park
Suphil Lee Park (수필 리 박 / 秀筆 李 朴) is a poet, translator, and writer born and raised in South Korea. She’s the author of Present Tense Complex and a forthcoming chapbook, Still Life, and translator of If I’m Going to Live to One Hundred, I May as Well Be Happy by Rhee Kun Hoo, forthcoming from Ebury, Penguin UK.
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Ricardo Pau-Llosa’s ninth book of poems, Fleeing Actium, is due out this fall from Carnegie Mellon University Press. He is the featured poet in the 50th issue of Birmingham Poetry Review, recently released. He is also an art critic, curator, and collector.
Tory V. Pearman
Tory V. Pearman resides with her family in Cincinnati, OH, where she teaches literature and writing. Her work appears or is forthcoming in journals like Cheat River Review, Atticus Review, and San Pedro River Review. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee.
Martha K. Petersen
Martha K. Petersen writes from the beautiful but prickly Sonoran Desert in Tucson, AZ. Her creative nonfiction, fiction, and book reviews have appeared in Witness, Silk Road Review, Essay Daily, and others. She is hard at work on a book-length collection of flash essays.
Remi Recchia
Remi Recchia, PhD, is a trans poet and essayist from Kalamazoo, MI. He currently serves as Book Editor for Gasher Press and also works as a technical editor. A five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Remi is the author of Quicksand/Stargazing (Cooper Dillon Books, 2021) and Sober (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2022) and the editor of Transmasculine Poetics: Filling the Gap in Literature & the Silences Around Us (Sundress Publications, forthcoming).
José Antonio Rodríguez
José Antonio Rodríguez’s The Day's Hard Edge is forthcoming from Northwestern University Press in 2024. He teaches writing at UT-Rio Grande Valley.
Zach Semel
Zach Semel (he/him) is a poet and essayist pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at Northern Arizona University. Some of his previous work has appeared in DIAGRAM, the Brevity Blog, CutBank: All Accounts & Mixture, Drunk Monkeys, Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment, The Nervous Breakdown, Wordgathering, FreezeRay Poetry, and other places. His hybrid chapbook "Let the tides take my body" was awarded the 2021 May Day Mountain Prize by Hunger Mountain.
Brett Shaw
Brett Shaw is a poet and educator living in Alabama. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Sycamore Review, and elsewhere. His work has received support from the Community of Writers. He holds an MFA from the University of Alabama.
Martha Silano
Martha Silano is the author of five books of poetry, most recently Gravity Assist (Saturnalia Books, 2019). Her poems have appeared in Poetry, Paris Review, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere. Martha teaches at Bellevue College.
Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith is a writer from Dallas, TX. Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, Mississippi Review, Nimrod, and elsewhere. She is an MFA candidate in poetry at the Ohio State University, where she serves as the Managing Editor of The Journal.
Megan Snyder-Camp
Megan Snyder-Camp is the author of three books of poetry: The Forest of Sure Things (Tupelo, 2010), Wintering (Tupelo, 2016) and The Gunnywolf (Bear Star, 2016).
Amy Spade
A Best of the Net nominee, Amy Spade holds an MFA from the University of Houston. Her largely formal poems have appeared in over 30 journals in the past three decades, including Nimrod, North American Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and The Gay & Lesbian Review. Originally from Detroit, she lives and writes in Oakland, CA.
Lindsay Starck
Lindsay Starck is a writer, editor, and English professor. Her fiction has recently appeared in AGNI, New England Review, Ploughshares, and elsewhere, and her new Slenderman-inspired novel is forthcoming from Vintage/Anchor Books. She likes to stroll around the Minneapolis lakes with her husband and her very good dog, Cedar.
Sebastian Stockman
Sebastian Stockman is a Teaching Professor in English at Northeastern University. His essays and reviews have appeared in The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and The Georgia Review, among other places. His work has been noted in Best American Essays and Best American Sportswriting. He writes an (occasional) newsletter at A Saturday Letter on Substack.
Shranup Tandukar
Shranup Tandukar is a poet, translator, and journalist from Nepal. His writing has appeared in The Kathmandu Post, Asap Art, and Danfe Arts Journal.
Rodrigo Toscano
Rodrigo Toscano is a poet and dialogist based in New Orleans. He is the author of eleven books of poetry. His latest books are The Cut Point (Counterpath, 2023), The Charm & The Dread (Fence Books, 2022). His Collapsible Poetics Theater was a National Poetry Series selection. His poetry has appeared in over 20 anthologies, including Best American Poetry and Best American Experimental Poetry (BAX). Toscano has received a New York State Fellowship in Poetry. He won the Edwin Markham 2019 prize for poetry.
Benjamin Van Voorhis
Benjamin Van Voorhis is a writer and musician from Santa Clarita, CA. He holds an MFA in Fiction Writing from Eastern Washington University and is the former managing editor of Willow Springs magazine. He currently lives in Spokane, WA.
Monica Wang
Monica Wang has writing in in Electric Lit, Southword, Malahat Review, Banshee, and EVENT Magazine. In 2022 she was shortlisted for the W&A Working-Class Writers' Prize while completing a Creative Writing MA at the University of Exeter. Born in Taichung, Taiwan, she grew up in Taipei and Vancouver, and spent the last five years drifting from Dresden to Dublin.
Haley Winans
Haley Winans is a garden-lover from Annapolis, MD. She has poetry published in Slipstream, The Shore Poetry, Breakwater Review, Folio Literary Journal, Minnesota Review, and elsewhere. She's in her last semester in the University of Memphis MFA in Creative Writing program and is a founding co-editor of Beaver Magazine.
William Woolfitt
William Woolfitt is the author of several poetry collections, including Beauty Strip (Texas Review Press, 2014) and Spring Up Everlasting (Mercer University Press, 2020). His fiction chapbook The Boy with Fire in His Mouth (2014) won the Epiphany Editions contest.