Naomi Ayala
Naomi Ayala is the author of three books of poetry; most recently, Calling Home: Praise Songs and Incantations (Bilingual Press). She lives in Washington, DC, where she teaches and works as a freelance writer, editor, and translator.
Tony Barnstone
Tony Barnstone is Professor of English at Whittier College and has published or co-published 21 books, including poetry, literary translation, textbooks, and anthologies. Among his awards: NEH, NEA, and California Arts Council.
Francesca Bell
Francesca Bell’s poems and translations appear in many magazines, including ELLE, Mid-American Review, New Ohio Review, North American Review, and Rattle. She is the co-translator of Palestinian poet Shatha Abu Hnaish’s collection, A Love That Hovers Like a Bedeviling Mosquito (Dar Fadaat, 2017), and the author of Bright Stain (Red Hen Press, 2019). She lives with her family in Northern California.
Rosebud Ben-Oni
Rosebud Ben-Oni is the winner of the 2019 Alice James Award for If This Is the Age We End Discovery, forthcoming in 2021, and the author of turn around, BRXGHT XYXS (Get Fresh Books, 2019). Her poem “Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark” was commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City.
Caylin Capra-Thomas
Caylin Capra-Thomas’s second chapbook, Inside My Electric City, is available from YesYes books. She has been awarded fellowships and residencies from the Vermont Studio Center and the Studios of Key West, and her poems have appeared or will soon in journals including New England Review, Crazyhorse, Colorado Review, Copper Nickel, Pleiades, and elsewhere. She lives in Idyllwild, CA, where she is Poet-in-Residence at Idyllwild Arts Academy.
Brian Clifton
Brian Clifton is an avid collector of records and curiosities. Their work can be found in: Pleiades, Beloit Poetry Journal, Quarterly West, Prairie Schooner, and other magazines.
Emily Rose Cole
Emily Rose Cole is the author of Love & a Loaded Gun, a chapbook of poems in women’s voices. Her poetry has appeared in American Life in Poetry, Best New Poets 2018, and Carve, among others. She is pursuing a PhD in poetry at the University of Cincinnati.
Jackie Craven
Jackie Craven is the author of Secret Formulas & Techniques of the Masters (Brick Road) and Our Lives Became Unmanageable (Omnidawn). Recent poems appear in The Massachusetts Review, Pleiades, Poet Lore, and River Styx.
Russell Dame
Russell Dame received his MFA at the University of New Hampshire. His fiction appears in SUBTROPICS and Wigleaf. He lives in Maine with his wife.
Chard DeNiord
Chard deNiord is the author of six books of poetry, most recently Inter- state (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2015) and The Double Truth (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011). His new book of poetry titled In My Unknowing is scheduled for publication in February of 2020 (University of Pittsburgh Press). His poems have appeared recently in AGNI, Ploughshares, Michigan Quarterly, The Southern Review, Blackbird, and The Gettysburg Review. He is the Poet Laureate of Vermont and a Professor of English at Providence College. He lives in Westminster West, VT, with his wife Liz.
Alexa Doran
Alexa Doran is the author of the chapbook Nightsink, Faucet Me a Lullaby (Bottlecap Press, 2019), and is currently a PhD candidate at Florida State University. Her series of poems about the women of Dada, “The Octopus Breath on Her Neck,” was recently released as part of Oxidant/Engine’s BoxSet Series Vol 2. She also has work in recent or upcoming issues of Glass, Mud Season Review, Conduit, and New Delta Review, among others.
Valerie Duff-Strautmann
Valerie Duff-Strautmann’s second book of poems will be published by Salmon Poetry in 2021. Poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in POETRY, The Common, and Mom Egg Review; book reviews have ap- peared in The Boston Globe, PN Review, Harvard Review, and elsewhere. She is a contributing editor to The Critical Flame.
Cal Freeman
Cal Freeman is the author of the book Fight Songs. His writing has appeared in many journals including Rattle, Southwest Review, Drunken Boat, Southword, and Hippocampus. He currently serves as music editor of The Museum of Americana: A Literary Review and teaches at Oakland University.
Cassie Garison
Cassie Garison is a poet and translator currently living in Seattle, WA. They have work published in River Styx, Muzzle, Washington Square Review, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art online, and others.
Madelyn Garner
Madelyn Garner is the author of Hum of Our Blood, winner of the Tupelo Press/3: A Taos Press July Open (2017). Recent poems have appeared in The Best American Poetry, Alaska Quarterly Review, and Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion.
Marcos Gonsalez
Marcos Gonsalez is an essayist and PhD candidate in Literature living in New York City. His debut memoir about growing up a gay son of an undocumented Mexican father and a poor Puerto Rican mother in white America is forthcoming with Melville House. His essays can be found or are forthcoming at Electric Literature, Inside Higher Education, Ploughshares, Catapult, The New Inquiry, and LitHub, among others.
Jessica Goodfellow
Jessica Goodfellow’s books are Whiteout (University of Alaska Press, 2017), Mendeleev’s Mandala, and The Insomniac’s Weather Report. Her work has appeared in Verse Daily, The Southern Review, Motionpoems, and Best American Poetry 2018.
Jonathan Greenhause
Jonathan Greenhause was the winner of Aesthetica Magazine’s 2018 Creative Writing Award in Poetry and a runner-up in America’s 2019 Foley Poetry contest. His poems have recently appeared in Columbia Poetry Review, Moon City Review, and New Ohio Review, among others.
Michael Howerton
Michael Howerton is editor-in-chief of Granite Media, based in San Francisco, and former editor-in-chief of The San Francisco Examiner. He has written for various publications and has taught writing at UC Berkeley, Berkeley City College, and The College of New Jersey.
Rochelle Hurt
Rochelle Hurt is the author of In Which I Play the Runaway (2016), which won the Barrow Street Poetry Prize, and The Rusted City: A Novel in Poems (2014). Her poetry, essays, and hybrid works have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Ninth Letter, Pleiades, Poetry International, Best New Poets, and elsewhere. She lives in Orlando and teaches in the MFA program at the University of Central Florida.
Johan Huybrechts
Johan Huybrechts works as a medical doctor, and lives near Ghent, Belgium. His poems have been published in Beloit Poetry Journal, Ambit, AGNI, Magma, Lighthouse, and The Moth, and he was a runner-up in the 2017 Ambit Poetry Competition, judged by George Szirtes.
Nora Iuga
Nora Iuga (pseudonym of Eleonora Almosnino) was born on January 4, 1931, and made her editorial debut in 1968 with the collection of poems It Isn’t My Fault. Her career has now spanned five decades. Iuga has won numbers of prizes in Romania for her poetry and novels, and she has also published 33 translations of German and Swedish writers.
Michael Jones
Michael Jones has taught since 1990 in Oakland, CA, public schools. His poetry has appeared in Atlanta Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cream City Review, DMQ Review, and elsewhere, and in a chapbook, Moved (Kattywompus, 2016).
Kasey Jueds
Kasey Jueds’s first book of poems, Keeper, won the 2012 Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize from the University of Pittsburgh Press. Some of her recent poems have been published or are forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Narrative, Beloit Poetry Journal, Denver Quarterly, Cherry Tree, Colorado Review, Pleiades, and Crazyhorse, and her reviews appear in The Rumpus, Tar River Poetry, EcoTheo, and Jacket2. She lives in Philadelphia.
Jacqueline Kolosov
Jacqueline Kolosov is Professor of English at Texas Tech University where she directs The CH Foundation Arts for Healing Workshops and Programming, bringing the arts to at-risk populations in West Texas. Her third poetry collection is Memory of Blue (Salmon, 2014), and she coedited Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of Eight Hybrid Literary Genres, Winner of Foreword’s IndieFab Gold Medal in Writing (Rose Metal, 2015). She lives on three acres of pine trees and cactus with her horses, dogs, and daughter.
Veronica Kornberg
Veronica Kornberg is a poet from Northern California. Recipient of the 2018 Morton Marcus Poetry Prize, recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Spillway, Tar River, Crab Creek Review, and other journals.
Christina Leo
Christina Leo is a journalist and editor from Baton Rouge, LA. Much of her previous writing consists of articles on the real-life characters and landscapes of the Deep South, having worked in magazine publishing before graduating with her MFA from the University of Notre Dame, where she was a Sparks fellow. “The Blue Bull of Bayou Bonne Chance” is her first published piece of fiction.
Moira Linehan
Moira Linehan’s third collection of poetry, Toward, will appear in 2020 from Slant, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Her two earlier books are If No Moon and Incarnate Grace.
David Moloney
David Moloney worked as a correctional officer for four years at a county jail in NH. He earned his MFA from Southern New Hampshire’s Mountainview low-residency program, where he was awarded the Lynn Safford Memorial Prize. His debut novel, Barker House, is forthcoming from Bloomsbury in 2020. He currently teaches writing at UMass Lowell.
Diana Manole
Diana Manole is a Romanian-Canadian scholar and literary translator, and the author of nine books of poetry and drama in her home country and others in Canada. She has translated or co-translated seven poetry collections, including Nora Iuga’s The Hunchbacks’ Bus (Bitter Oleander Press, 2016), longlisted for the 2017 National Translation Award in Poetry.
A. Molotkov
A. Molotkov moved to the United States in 1990 and switched to writing in English in 1993. His poetry collections are The Catalog of Broken Things, Application of Shadows, and Synonyms for Silence. He co-edits The Inflectionist Review.
David O'Connell
David O’Connell’s first full-length collection, Our Best Defense, is forthcoming from Červená Barva Press.
Alejandro Pérez
Alejandro Pérez is a student at Columbia University in New York. He is a 2019 Pushcart Prize nominee whose poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Boulevard, The Missouri Review, Pacifica Literary Review, DIAGRAM, Blue Earth Review, and Spanish-language magazines in Venezuela, Chile, and Spain.
Mary Pinard
Mary Pinard’s poems have appeared Southern Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, Iowa Review, Western Humanities Review, and Crab Orchard Review, among others. Her collection of poems, Portal, was published by Salmon Press.
Chou Ping
Chou Ping is a professor of literature, language, and film who received his MFA and MA from Indiana University and his PhD from Stanford. Before he retired, he taught at numerous American and Chinese universities and colleges, including Reed and Oberlin, among others. With Tony Barnstone, he is the co-translator of books from Chinese, including The Art of Writing: Teachings of the Chinese Masters, Chinese Erotic Poems, and The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry. Together, they are translating the selected poems of Han Shan.
Charles Rafferty
Charles Rafferty’s most recent collections of poems are The Smoke of Horses (BOA Editions, 2017), Something an Atheist Might Bring Up at a Cocktail Party (Mayapple Press, 2018), and The Problem With Abundance (Grayson Books, 2019). His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, O, Oprah Magazine, Prairie Schooner, and Ploughshares. Currently, he directs the MFA program at Albertus Magnus College and teaches at the Westport Writers’ Workshop.
Bino A. Realuyo
Bino A. Realuyo is the author of The Gods We Worship Live Next Door (Agha Shahid Ali Prize for Poetry, 2005). His poetry has appeared in The Nation, The Kenyon Review, ZYZZYVA, North American Review, The Literary Review, New American Writing, and The Common, among others. He has recently completed his second poetry manuscript, titled #TheRebelSonnets.
Liz Robbins
Liz Robbins’ third collection, Freaked, won the 2014 Elixir Press Annual Poetry Award; her second collection, Play Button, won the 2010 Cider Press Review Book Award. Her poems are in recent issues of Five Points and Rattle, and she reads poetry for Ploughshares.
Karla Rosas
Karla Rosas is KARLINCHE, a visual artist born in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and raised in southeast Louisiana. Karla considers herself first and foremost a storyteller whose art explores the emotion and symbolism of what it means to be Mexican, woman, immigrant, and “illegal” in the United States. She is an Art Fellow for the media and culture organization Define American, and has had her work featured in publications such as The Nation, St. Sucia, and Antigravity Magazine. Currently, she is developing her first publication, a collection of original poems and illustrations.
Han Shan
Han Shan is the name given the putative author of a collection of fascinating Tang Dynasty poems, more than three hundred in number, who may or may not have existed—at present there is no reliable way of deciding one way or the other. The poems themselves tell the story of his retreat to Cold Mountain to live a life of hermetic simplicity, seeking Daoist and Zen (Chan) enlightenment in nature. They are proselytizing poems, but in their vernacular speech, their clarity of focus, and their celebration of simplicity they embody the attitudes toward the world that they seek to teach, and in this achieve their greatest success. There is a remarkable voice that emerges from the poems of Han Shan, one that is quite rare in Chinese poetry. He is a cynic and an ironist, like Meng Jiao, and the two poets’ bitter cynicism seems to have damaged their reputation among readers in China. He is a strange mixture of dogmatist and free-thinker, and one senses a personality behind the poems that is harsh and yet humorously irrepressible. Whatever the craft value of his poetry in Chinese, there is much to appreciate in the riddling Buddhist thought problems in these poems and in the way they capture the personality of a person who may or may not have ever lived.
Adam J. Sorkin
Adam J. Sorkin is a translator of contemporary Romanian literature. His most recent publications are Syllables of Flesh by Floarea Țuțuianu, translated with Irma Giannetti (Plamen Press, 2017) and The Barbarians’ Return by Mircea Dinescu, translated with Lidia Vianu (Bloodaxe Books, 2018). Sorkin is Distinguished Professor of English Emeritus, Penn State Brandywine.
Katie Sticca
Katie Sticca is the managing editor of Salamander. She received her MFA from Emerson College, and lives in Boston.
Crystal Stone
Crystal Stone is an MFA candidate at Iowa State University. Her poems have previously appeared or are forthcoming in The Threepenny Review, The Hopkins Review, Poetry Daily, and many others. In April 2018, she gave a TEDx talk called “The Transformative Power of Poetry,” and her first collection, Knock-Off Monarch (Dawn Valley Press), was released in December 2018.
Adeeba Shahid Talukder
Adeeba Shahid Talukder is a Pakistani-American poet, singer, and translator of Urdu and Persian poetry. She is the author of What Is Not Beautiful (Glass Poetry Press, 2018) and her book Shahr-e-jaanaan: The City of the Beloved, forthcoming through Tupelo Press, is a winner of the Kundiman Poetry Prize.
Madeleine Wattenberg
Madeleine Wattenberg’s work appears in journals and websites such as The Rumpus, Puerto del Sol, sixth finch, DIAGRAM, and Best New Poets. She is a PhD student at the University of Cincinnati and serves as Assistant Editor for the Cincinnati Review.