Issue 17.1 Contributors

Cover art
“Still Life with Five Bottles”
by Samuel Bak
Samuel Bak is an artist who was born in Vilnius, Lithuania (then Poland) in 1933. Having survived the Holocaust, he lived and worked in Tel Aviv, Paris, Rome, New York, and Lausanne. In 1993 he settled in Massachusetts and became an American citizen. He exhibits internationally. His memoir, Painted in Words, was translated into several languages.
jingan, tr. by david lunde & mary m.y. fung
Jingan (1851−1912) was a Chinese Chan Buddhist monk and poet.
David Lunde is a poet and translator whose work has appeared in 40 anthologies and in many journals. His most recent books are Blues for Port City, Heart Transplants & Other Misappropriations, Nightfishing in Great Sky River, Instead, Breaking the Willow, and The Carving of Insects, Bian Zhilin’s collected poems co-translated with Mary M. Y. Fung, which won the 2007 PEN USA Translation Award.
Mary M. Y. Fung’s publications, besides The Carving of Insects, 2006, in collaboration with David Lunde, include translations from English into Chinese such as One Hundred English Poems, 1992; Amadeus by Peter Shaffer (in collaboration with C.L. Chan), 1985; and Five Short Stories by O. Henry, 1968.
albert abonado
Albert Abonado holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Collagist, Fugue, Guernica, Gargoyle, New Ohio Review, No Tell Motel, Washington Square, and others. He lives with his wife in Rochester, NY, where he works for BOA Editions.
tory adkisson
Tory Adkisson is originally from West Covina, California, but currently lives in Columbus, Ohio, where he’s an MFA candidate at The Ohio State University and poetry editor of The Journal. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in West Branch, Wired, CutBank, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Cream City Review, and Quarterly West, among others.
kathleen balma
Kathleen Balma is a Fulbright Fellow and a graduate of Indiana University’s MFA program. She grew up in various cities throughout Spain, Australia, and the American Midwest. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Mid-American Review, Crab Orchard Review, Rattle, and other magazines.
jeanne marie beaumont
Jeanne Marie Beaumont is the author of three collections of poetry, most recently Burning of the Three Fires (BOA Editions, 2010). Her work has appeared in Pool, Conduit, Saranac Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Caliban. She teaches at the Unterberg Poetry Center of the 92nd Street Y and in the Stonecoast low-residency MFA program.
nancy botkin
Nancy Botkin’s most recent book, Bent Elbow and Distance, was published in 2011 by Finishing Line Press. Her poems have appeared in Poetry East, Eclipse, South Dakota Review, The Laurel Review, Fifth Wednesday Journal, and many others. She teaches at Indiana University South Bend.
sarah chace
Sarah Chace’s poetry has appeared in Persephone, a publication of the Harvard Classics Department, and in the 1999 anthology Orpheus & Company: Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology. “Cupid & Psyche” is her third poem to be published in Salamander.
linda katherine cutting
Linda Katherine Cutting’s essays have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the London Guardian, and The Beacon Book of Essays by Contemporary American Women. Her memoir, Memory Slips, published in seven languages, won the 1998 Deems-Taylor Award for excellence from the American Society of Composers and Publishers.
valerie duff-strautmann
Valerie Duff-Strautmann is the author of To the New World (Salmon Poetry). She is the poetry editor of Salamander and works as a freelance writer and editor. Reviews and poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in the Boston Globe, The Journal, TheCommonOnline, Gulf Coast online, and Poetry Northeast.
yi lu, trans. fiona sze-lorrain
National award-winning Chinese poet Yi Lu is also a professional theatre scenographer. Born in 1956, she is considered a major lyrical poet of contemporary China. The author of five books of poetry, she currently serves as a design artist at the People’s Art Theater in Fujian and lives in the southern coastal city of Fuzhou.
Fiona Sze-Lorrain writes and translates in English, French, and Chinese. Author of Water the Moon (Marick Press, 2010), her translations of Auxemery, Bai Hua, Yu Xiang and Hai Zi are published by or forthcoming from Estepa, Zephyr Press and Tupelo. An editor of Cerise Press and co-director of Vif editions, she lives in France.
brett foster
Brett Foster’s first book of poems, The Garbage Eater, was recently published by Triquarterly Books/Northwestern University Press. His poetry has appeared in Ascent, Columbia, Hudson Review, Image, Pleiades, Poetry East, and Seattle Review, and other writing is in Boston Review, Kenyon Review, and Literary Imagination. He teaches at Wheaton College (IL), and lectures regularly at Chicago Shakespeare Theater.
marie gauthier
Marie Gauthier is the author of one chapbook, Hunger All Inside. Recent poems are forthcoming in Cave Wall, Connotation Press, and Grove Review. She lives in Shelburne Falls, MA, where she works for Tupelo Press and co-curates the Collected Poets Series.
susan goslee
Susan Goslee received her MFA from the University of Alabama and her PhD from the University of Utah. Her poems have appeared in such journals as Prairie Schooner, Indiana Review, Third Coast, and Hayden’s Ferry Review. She is an Assistant Professor at Idaho State University. Italicized lines in her poem are from The Shakesr: Hands to Work, Hearts to God and Shaker Built.
g. l. grey
G. L. Grey received her MFA from Eastern Washington University and has been published in various journals, most recently The Adirondack Review and Drunken Boat. She currently teaches at Gonzaga University.
katherine hollander
Katherine Hollander earned an MA in creative writing from Boston University, where she is currently a PhD student in modern European history. Her poems and poetry reviews have been published in journals including Open City, Agni Online, Pleiades, Poet Lore, and others.
joel f. johnson
Joel F. Johnson’s work has been accepted by Blackbird, The Meeting House, Grey Sparrow and The Aurorean. He has been a member of the Concord Poetry Center since 2007. He lives in Concord, MA.
rachel kadish
Rachel Kadish is the author of the novels From a Sealed Room and Tolstoy Lied: a Love Story. She teaches in Lesley University’s MFA Program in Creative Writing and is a Visiting Scholar at the Brandeis Women’s Studies Research Center.
RK: “Beauty” originated in the few facts I know about my grandmother’s cousin, who was killed along with her daughters in the brutal manner described in the story. The woman’s widowed husband kept the truth about the deaths from her fraternal twin for decades. “Beauty” is an act of the imagination in response to the rough outlines of that story; the names, characters, descriptions, and events in these pages are invented.
hester kaplan
Hester Kaplan is the author of The Edge of Marriage, winner of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, and Kinship Theory, a novel. Her new novel, The Tell, is forthcoming in 2013. She lives in Providence, RI, and is on the faculty of Lesley University’s MFA Program in Creative Writing.
hillary c. katz
Hillary C. Katz is from Vermont and is a recent graduate of the University of New Hampshire. Her poetry has appeared in Weave Magazine, Sweet, and Blue Earth Review. She lives in San Francisco.
frannie lindsay
Frannie Lindsay’s fourth volume of poetry, Our Vanishing, has been selected as the winner of the 2012 Benjamin Saltman Award, and is forthcoming in 2014 from Red Hen Press. Her other titles are Mayweed (Washington Prize 2010; The Word Works); Lamb (Perugia Prize; Perugia Press, 2006;) and Where She Always Was (May Swenson Award 2004; Utah State University Press).
kelly luce
Kelly Luce’s collection of Japan-set stories received the San Francisco Foundation’s 2008 Jackson Award and was a finalist for the 2010 Bakeless Prize. Her work has been recognized by fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, Ragdale Foundation, and Jentel Arts, and has recently appeared in The Southern Review, American Short Fiction, and Kenyon Review. During Spring 2010, she was Writer-in-Residence at the Kerouac House in Orlando. She is currently finishing her first novel.
peter ludwin
Peter Ludwin, the 2007–2008 Second Prize Winner of the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Awards for poems on the Jewish experience, is also the recipient of a Literary Fellowship from Artist Trust. A manuscript of international poems, Rumors of Fallible Gods, was a finalist for the 2010 Gival Press Poetry Award. Recent publications include work in Nimrod, North American Review, and Prairie Schooner.
nancy carol moody
Nancy Carol Moody is the author of Photograph With Girls (Traprock, 2009). Her work has appeared in The New York Quarterly, Bellevue Literary Review, The Carolina Quarterly, and The MacGuffin. Nancy lives in Eugene, Oregon.
catherine morocco
Catherine Morocco’s poems have appeared most recently in Spoon River Poetry Review and Naugatuck River Review, and in the collection Unlocking the Poem by Riccio and Siegel (iUniverse). She won the 2011 Dana Foundation award for poetry related to the brain. Her book, Brain Storm: Poems on Injury and Recovery, is forthcoming from Wising Up Press.
william neumire
William Neumire writes and teaches in Syracuse, New York, where he also serves as an assistant editor for Verdad. His work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in American Poetry Journal, Harpur Palate, and Sugar House Review. He survives by teaching in public school.
binh nguyen
Born in 1986, Binh Nguyen is a political exile to the U.S. and currently lives in London. She received BA degrees in literature and philosophy, and holds an MA in literature from the University of Washington as well as an MFA in Creative Writing as a George Starbuck Fellow at Boston University. She is also a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow.
william palmer
William Palmer teaches English at Alma College in central Michigan. His poetry has appeared in Ecotone, Hawai’i Pacific Review, and JAMA. His chapbook Humble was recently published by Finishing Line Press. He is also the author of a college textbook, Discovering Arguments (Prentice Hall).
catherine parnell
Catherine Parnell’s recent and forthcoming publications include The Kingdom of His Will (chapbook) as well as stories and reviews in a number of publications including Post Road, The Baltimore Review, roger, Dos Passos Review, and Painted Bride Quarterly.
roland pease
Roland Pease is the poetry and fiction editor at Steerforth Press, and edits the Zoland Poetry annuals. He was the founder and publisher of Zoland Books from 1987–2001. His work has appeared in The Paris Review and numerous other literary journals.
allan peterson
Allan Peterson’s latest book is As Much As from Salmon Press. Other books are All the Lavish in Common (2005 Juniper Prize), and Anonymous Or (Defined Providence Prize 2001), and five chapbooks. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the state of Florida, and recently read from his work at the 2011 Cuisle International Poetry Festival in Limerick, Ireland.
natalie bryant rizzieri
Natalie Bryant Rizzieri’s poetry has appeared in Crab Orchard Review, Sugar House Review, and Connotations. She is also the founder of Friends of Warm Hearth, a group home for orphans with disabilities, in Armenia. She lives in Queens, NY.
andrea scarpino
Andrea Scarpino is the author of the chapbook The Grove Behind (Finishing Line Press). She received an MFA in creative writing from The Ohio State University, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and teaches with Union Institute and University’s Cohort PhD program in Interdisciplinary Studies. She is a weekly contributor for the blog Planet of the Blind.
richard sime
Richard Sime, a native of North Dakota, lives in the Bronx, NY. Formerly an editor in textbook publishing, he began writing poetry only upon his retirement. His work has appeared in American Arts Quarterly, Barrow Street, The New Republic, Provincetown Arts, Passager, Radical Faerie Digest, and on
catherine stearns
Catherine Stearns teaches at an independent school in Belmont, MA, and has published poems in New Delta Review, NDQuarterly, Modern Poetry Studies, Iowa Journal of Literary Studies, and so on. She is the recipient of a McKnight Foundation grant and the Dana Award in poetry.
benjamin sutton
Benjamin Sutton currently lives in Lake Charles, Louisiana. His poetry is forthcoming in 1110, Anderbo, Portland Review, Minnesota Review and Los Angeles Review, among others.
brandi wells
Brandi Wells is an MFA candidate at the University of Alabama and has fiction in or forthcoming from Fourteen Hills, Mid-American Review, Parcel, and The Way We Sleep.
lori wilson
Lori Wilson received her MFA in poetry from Drew University and is the author of a poetry collection, House Where a Woman (Autumn House Press, 2009). Her poems and reviews have also appeared in Women’s Review of Books, Southern Poetry Review, Kestrel, Georgetown Review, 5 AM, and elsewhere. She lives in Morgantown, WV.
joyce wilson
Joyce Wilson, editor and creator of The Poetry Porch, a literary magazine on the Internet, teaches English at Suffolk University. Her poems have appeared in Poetry Ireland, Mezzo Cammin, Ibbetson Street, and other literary journals. Her first book of poems, The Etymology of Spruce, and a chapbook, The Springhouse, were both published in 2010.
amos jasper wright
Amos Jasper Wright is native to the dirt of Birmingham, AL. After completing an MA in English at UAB, he began a second graduate degree in urban planning at Tufts University.
josefine klougart, tr. alexander weinstein
Josefine Klougart is the bestselling author of the collection Rises and Falls and the novels The Halls and The Wind One Lacked. She is regarded by critics as one of Denmark’s preeminent new postmodernists, and her first collection has been nominated for the 2011 Nordic Council Literary Prize.
Alexander Weinstein is the director of The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing and a professor at Siena Heights University. His fiction and translations have appeared in Pleiades, Sou’wester, Notre Dame Review, Rio Grande Review, Conduit, Zahir, and other publications. He is currently at work on his first collection, The Apocalypse Tales.