scott anderson
sherwood anderson
yamanokuchi baku
julia o. bibbins
daniel bosch
michael collins
Michael Collins is an Associate Professor at Texas A & M University.
simon doubleday
george franklin
judy paige heitzman
miguel hernandez
barbara helfgott hyett
judy katz-levine
Judy Katz-Levine is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, When The Arms Of Our Dreams Embrace (Saru, 1991) and Ocarina (Saru/Tarsier, 2006). Her most recent chapbook is When Performers Swim, The Dice Are Cast (Ahadada, 2009). Poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Muddy River Poetry Review, 2 River Review, Blue Unicorn, Ekleksographia, and CCAR Journal.
milan knizak
kurt leland
christopher merrill
donald nitchie
Donald Nitchie’s poetry chapbook, Driving Lessons, was published by Pudding House Press in 2007. He lives on Martha’s Vineyard, where he occasionally leads writing workshops; he edits The Banjo Newsletter, a monthly newsletter for 5-string enthusiasts.
mary pinard
Mary Pinard teaches in the Arts and Humanities Division at Babson College. Her poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Iowa Review, Georgia Review, and Poetry East. Her first book of poems, Portal, is forthcoming from Salmon Press in 2014.