Gaze down these pink tunnels into deeper pink. The walls are blossoms fashioned of smaller blossoms attached to raised arms that nuzzle other arms. It’s like watching a parade…
Still alive, the pond freezes and melts, can’t decide. It remembers the stream that fills it underground. Caught in a circle of hewn stone, it shivers. …
empty page of a day and I’m fixed as a prisoner in haunted city walls where the bartender keeps book a flock of blue sails huddle together against the…
Pale blue arms folded like a bow across her heart, you were born into silence, the umbilical frayed like your loose connection to life. The priest and his water…
The pages in August were pulpy, some as thick as my tongue, some folding over like tendrils, some spinning out of the orbits of their spines, some oozing a…
Horses glittered in the field Like knives A sudden drop In temperature everything Washed in ash The Yes unstuck Landscapes Picked clean Let’s go down To some train station…