—after Sappho When Achilles was born the fates spun two threads: one long & dull, another ++++++short & golden: knucklebones chucked ++++++into a circle of dust—tumble &…
Before dawn stretched her rosy-fingers onto earth, before I threw a stone into the eye- socket of a storm & it broke like a cloud of wasps gone haywire:…
The filmy shapes that haunt the dusk. ++++++—Tennyson, In Memoriam Whatever fruit is on hand, mash with wine or beer in a slurry, add a couple cups of…
SEATTLE WOMAN, 42, DIES IN CAR WRECK, BAKERSFIELD, CA FEB. 18, 1962 +++++++—News Headline Even after all these years, almost 60 or so, or more, it feels like…
I want something like a ship, but not a ship, a way to cross the underlying expanse that isn’t water, but feels like water, illegible traces of microplastics,…
My house is not a house of small beautiful things and nothing is ever clean here. A pucker in the doorframe indicates the upper floor will soon fall to…
Let my spider plant shrivel in a swim of photons. I found the perfect word and backspaced it out of memory. I slept until everyone slept, then woke to…
Even as telephones buzz and silver voices sing of cash flow strategies, I slump in a shadowed corner by the photocopier and do not make a sound, not a…
willow, sallow, blackthorn thought is made in the mouth quaking aspen, silver birch pulse is mouth in the wrist cedar, alder, slippery elm wrist is grief in…