Not a Rolodex, not Rolex – no, a Bolex camera, two-tiered like a New York apartment building, my grandfather looked down inside it and laughed like a woodpecker –…
Hardy’s heart was, upon his death, removed from his body at his request. The rest of him buried in Poet’s Corner, but his heart was buried with his first…
Twilight now, and the night school teacher sits beneath the great chart of the periodic table in the chemistry classroom the overcrowded college across the street has rented and…
Must be mid-morning, the even light hitting the young woman’s forehead straight on through a window we can’t see. She’s reading a letter, been stuck on the first third…
The Delaware’s a greenish black river here, flanked by other, slower rivers—fields of snow, rows of leafless sycamores larger than God, two shoulderless snaking roads. I’m in the truck…