pulls down People Magazine asking her friend why J-Lo was wearing “that Cuban flag” during the Super Bowl. I want to tear titles off the front page—Inappropriate & R-Rated…
She says: Dangerous for there not to be grass, dangerous for there to be. Every little fairy alive and wiring up. A garbage pull tab is as important as…
He seems lost, although he’s four-square on the trail, maybe an abandoned, lonely male, a yearling whose mother kicked him out to give her time for this spring’s fawns.…
One, shadow-faced, gazes at the food, mouthpiece fallen from his slice-of-life lips. Three silver charms dangle à la beads of sweat from his hat. It’s hot as a…
After a long time staring into the cliffs you finally said, I think that when a stone looks at Medusa it just becomes more comfortable in its own body.…
New Year’s Day and the big reeds bowing over the stream’s headlong, white churn, only one back-flowing current glazing and glazing a black smooth stone, and you said This…