What Creature

  John swept leaves into a pile on the porch. Our neighbor turned the dirt   of her balcony planters with her hand trowel and lined them with snakeskin—to scare…

The Beast I Worship

  The hair coiled around the drain. I bent down and ++++++pulled its split-end. It was long,   heavy. The drain gurgled. No, beneath the tub ++++++gurgled. Perhaps, from the…

This is an ode to forgetting 

  to take the tag off the pink polo shirt my abuela gave me for christmas/ to walking around with the tag hanging on/ sticking out/ like a typo/ this…

The Sky in Purple Robes

   —after Sappho   When Achilles was born the fates spun two threads: one long & dull, another   ++++++short & golden: knucklebones chucked ++++++into a circle of dust—tumble &…

A Study in Lavender

  Before dawn stretched her rosy-fingers onto earth, before I threw a stone into the eye- socket of a storm & it broke like a cloud of wasps gone haywire:…

The Fall of the House of Britney

  I am home with the toilet paper and the vodka and the too-pulpy martini. A glowless fuckery, I am not what Bop wanted me to be. All that Sun-In…

Widow Sugaring for Moths

  The filmy shapes that haunt the dusk. ++++++—Tennyson, In Memoriam   Whatever fruit is on hand, mash with wine or beer in a slurry, add a couple cups of…

Even After All

  SEATTLE WOMAN, 42, DIES IN CAR WRECK, BAKERSFIELD, CA FEB. 18, 1962 +++++++—News Headline   Even after all these years, almost 60 or so, or more, it feels like…

Like a Ship

  I want something like a ship, but not a ship, a way to cross the underlying expanse that isn’t water, but feels like water,   illegible traces of microplastics,…