barge and vortex

  my father tells me i look beautiful in my blue collar dress and shows me a pair of cufflinks he reserved for my wedding day and i like to…

rouge on a white wedding dress

  my story is the same as every little boy’s in a white wedding dress using a hairbrush as a microphone crimson lips smudged from the aftereffects of fidget- ing…

To Oz

poetry, Uncategorized
  We believed in scholarship, +++++++++ignoring God, darkened living rooms, +++++++++cats winding around shins. I learned how to read in one +++++++++language at the age of four and in another…

Self Portrait as Genus Madoqua

  For the first time, I am digging in the new yard I never wanted, its soil unbroken for decades, now webbed with roots from trees felled and shredded long…

Lily of the Valley

  Many people, myself included, profess fondness, though once I ripped them out by the handful. What was I thinking, that afternoon and those ten years? Now when my mother…

Words from a Head

  Enter…the QUEEN with SUFFOLK’S head —Henry VI How long did I lie in the pool of my own life before you brought me to your lips? There was a…


  For months afterwards, I don’t long for wildness. I listen less to songs than their chord progressions, read only Agatha Christie novels, set rigid rules about when to sleep…


  My new roommate’s car is a no man’s land of things that belonged to an ex-husband and his ex-wife. My roommate, the mutual neutral friend, patiently ferries these objects…