Salamander 2024 Fiction Contest

SUBMIT: May 1 through June 2, 2024 | READING FEE: $15



Ira Sadoff
| poetry


I don’t have to go back
to my childhood, there’s nothing there
I still want: but of miracles
left to me, I’d like to restore a look
I once wore and release it in the air.

That year I found painting and hiking
I read all night long, struggling
with my place in the universe. Climbing
rock by rock to the Knife Edge
and taking in the aged panorama.

I fell in love almost daily: everyone
was enthralling if you truly looked at them.
Each had a mother, a few had lost
their fathers early. They too heard shouts
in their houses. How dear they are,

even if amour’s hammered out of them.
Those faces: rugged and turgid
as they’ve become, if they’ve endured,
a boy or girl inside still calls,
Come back, come back and save us.

Ira Sadoff has published seven books of poems, most recently True Faith (BOA Editions), and has new work in APR, Tin House, and AGNI. He taught at Colby College and now lives in a little stone house in upstate New York.

Stranded on Old US 1, Appling, Georgia