Issue 45

“Snow Flake” by Kikki Ghezzi, oil on linen, 67 x 67 cm, 26 x 26 inches, 2015.
Poetry | |
David Ferry | At a Restaurant |
Alex Andriesse | In Which We Speak |
Robert Cording | Soleil & Suns |
Beach Path | |
Kristen Bulger | Marian Apparition |
Suzanne E. Berger | Annunciation |
Kirun Kapur | Kyphosis |
Beverly Burch | Invocation to Time/No Time |
John F. Deane | Redcurrants |
Laurence O'Dwyer | The Patriotic Blues |
Craig Blais | 1996: A Novel |
Julie Hanson | Squall Line Stalling in a Memory of Rain |
Martha Collins | In Time
Angie Macri | As if night knew and understood it had no hands, |
Carolyn Guinzio | The balance |
The map | |
Adam J. Gellings | The Cars |
Jared Harél | The Frogs |
Kasey Jueds | Small Music |
Marc Harshman | Inland Sea |
Andrew Koch | Chorus of Nettles |
Betsy Johnson-Miller | The things we do for love |
Gary Sokolow | Two Nests |
Katie Farris | Death on the Other Hand |
Richard Hoffman | Trapdoor |
Ricardo Pau-Llosa | Echo |
Rachel Cloud Adams | Anchor and Cave |
Jessica Lieberman | Tied |
Partial | |
Lola Haskins | European Stag Beetle |
Jill McDonough | Lundi Gras at Commander's Palace |
Daniel Tobin | Fable of the Alternative Fact |
Frances Richey | Thinking of Bruno As Night Comes to the 28th Floor |
Marty McConnell | the center |
Nina Lindsay | Governed |
Procession | |
Derek N. Otsuji | Deliverance |
Getting the Melons to Market | |
Sarah Rubin | Grandmother |
David Koenig | A Prayer for Bana |
Ben Swimm | Communion |
Robert Russell | The Maid's Story |
Holly Guran | Insomnia |
Jessica Terson | Miracle |
Kevin McLellan | Dis / arming |
The North Sky | |
Peter Krumbach | The Fruit Flies |
E. Kristin Anderson | The queen is supposed to have an escort. |
Christine Jones | A Strand of Hair Curled Like a Nautilus on a Page of Rumi |
Amy Jo Trier-Walker | Downward, Domeward |
Cindy Veach | Mary Easty: Hanged September 22, 1692 |
Tom Phan | Village Folklore |
Lori Wilson | Refugium |
Ye Lijun, tr. by Fiona Sze-Lorrain | Dry Season |
João Luís Barreto Guimarães, tr. by Calvin Olsen | The Quotidian Life of the Soul |
The Argonauts in Oia | |
Lesley Wheeler | All-purpose Spell for Banishment |
Douglas Collura | Your Great Busyness |
Ronald Dzerigian | Our School Colors |
Margie Bloom | Hollow |
John Patrick McShea | The Good Old Boys Learn a Thing or Two about Digging and in the Meanwhile Aristotle Calls Some Bullshit "Aether" or Maybe "Quintessence" |
Fiction | |
Neha Chaudhary-Kamdar | Seventeen Things about My Friend Farzana |
Jared Lipof | Mastermind / 2017 Fiction Second Prize |
Cady Vishniac | Girls Girls Girls / 2017 Fiction First Prize |
Erica X Eisen | The View from the Necropolis |
Lizzie Reinhard | You've Got to Be Good to People |
Reviews | |
Drew Swinger | Here As I Am: The Aeneid by Virgil, translated by David Ferry |
Valerie Duff-Strautmann | Geographies: Cold Storage by Keith Althaus and Spill by Kelle Groom |
Fall/Winter 2017-2018