Salamander Fiction Contest 2024 Results


"Exit Strategies of a Great Squirrel Army" by Michael Welch

From judge Kevin Wilson:
What begins as a wonderful examination of the dynamics of work, the main character Andre avoiding college by working at a garden center, turns into something rich and emotionally resonant, as Andre navigates the complexities of familial responsibility. It's honest and unflinching, with bursts of humor that always land. Oh, and there's a squirrel army, a failing hydrangea that is taking on strange properties, and a possible apocalypse. It's a unique, heartbreaking story.


Michael Welch is the Editor-In-Chief of the Chicago Review of Books. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Los Angeles Review of Books, Scientific American, Electric Lit, North American Review, and elsewhere. He is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee, finalist for the Breakout 8 Writers Prize, and the winner of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies' Florence Kahn Memorial Award. Find him at @MBWwelch. 


Second Place

"Professionals" by Danny Lang-Perez

From judge Kevin Wilson:

Both the writing and the characters exude a kind of bravado, and it's thrilling to experience these young skaters pushing back against the constraints of the world, dreaming up schemes of revenge against an HOA that is getting rid of their skatepark. But under that bravado, the story finds so much tenderness and obvious love for the characters, no matter how unlikely it will be for them to come away from this experience without scars.


Danny Lang-Perez is a writer from the West Coast. His fiction has appeared in The Kenyon Review, Hobart, and is forthcoming in the 2025 Pushcart Prize Anthology. He received his MFA from Vanderbilt University and is pursuing a PhD at the University of Southern California.




"A Pigboy and His Artificial Jesus," by Patrick Zhou

"A Strong Hand," by Patricia McCrystal

"Big Party after the Last Animal," by Jesse Nee-Vogelman

"Lanier," by Gillon Crichton

"Like Blue Eyes," by Blake Hammond

"Obliteration," by Alexandra Salata

"One Road to the Sea," by Chris Seaborne

"Summerland," by Taylor Mahone

Clara Schumann Washing Dishes
Self Portrait in a Heat Wave