Issue 15.1 Contributors

Cover art
“East Bay Light #1”
by Marilyn Levin
Marilyn Levin has shown work nationwide, including at the San Francisco Museum of Art and the Rose Art Museum. She has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Massachusetts Cultural Council and teaches in the Boston Museum School/Tufts University joint degree program. She is represented by Toomey-Tourell, San Francisco.
susan nisenbaum becker
simeon berry
jaime brunton
sarah chace
Sarah Chace has lived and worked in Massachusetts since 1994. “Daphne & Apollo” is her second poem to appear in Salamander.
sumita chakraborty
andrea cohen
Andrea Cohen’s fourth poetry collection, Furs Not Mine, will be published by Four Way Books. Her most recent books are Kentucky Derby and Long Division. She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series.
ailbhe darcy
valerie duff-strautmann
Valerie Duff-Strautmann is the author of To the New World (Salmon Poetry). She is the poetry editor of Salamander and works as a freelance writer and editor. Reviews and poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in the Boston Globe, The Journal, TheCommonOnline, Gulf Coast online, and Poetry Northeast.
elisabeth eybers tr. j. pope
elyse fenton
judi goldberg
sarah grieve
joseph gross
charles haverty
nancy hechinger
grey held
kevin higgins
gwendolyn jensen
Gwendolyn Jensen began writing poems when she retired in 2001 from the presidency of Wilson College. Her work has appeared in the Beloit Poetry Journal, Chautauqua, Measure, The Malahat Review, and Salamander. Her first book, Birthright (Birch Brook Press, 2011), is a letterpress edition, now in a second printing.
george kalogeris
George Kalogeris is the author of Dialogos: Paired Poems in Translation (Antilever) and of a book of poems, Camus: Carnets (Pressed Wafer).
judy katz-levine
Judy Katz-Levine is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, When The Arms Of Our Dreams Embrace (Saru, 1991) and Ocarina (Saru/Tarsier, 2006). Her most recent chapbook is When Performers Swim, The Dice Are Cast (Ahadada, 2009). Poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Muddy River Poetry Review, 2 River Review, Blue Unicorn, Ekleksographia, and CCAR Journal.
ann keniston
kathryn kirkpatrick
varsha kukafka
jeanne larsen
enrique lihn
moira linehan
sara london
Sara London’s first collection of poetry is forthcoming from Four Way Books in spring 2010. She teaches creative writing and literature at Mount Holyoke College.
carrie meadows
susan monsky
elizabeth murphy
Elizabeth Murphy is a poet and freelance writer and editor. She is also co-founding editor of the online interdisciplinary journal The Straddler.
emily newburger
catherine parnell
Catherine Parnell’s recent and forthcoming publications include The Kingdom of His Will (chapbook) as well as stories and reviews in a number of publications including Post Road, The Baltimore Review, roger, Dos Passos Review, and Painted Bride Quarterly.
jay ponteri
dean rader
dian duchin reed
Dian Duchin Reed is the author of Medusa Discovers Styling Gel (Finishing Line Press, 2009). Recent poems appear in TriQuarterly, Poet Lore, Nimrod International Journal, and Poetry East. Her current project is translating the 2500-year-old Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) from the Chinese.
joshua rivkin
laurie rosenblatt
Laurie Rosenblatt is a practicing physician at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA. Her poetry has appeared in Harvard Review, the Bellevue Literary Review, and Per Contra, among others.